毕业论文关键词 Android系统 SQLite 数据库 智能手机
Title Realization of Programming of SQLite Database in Android System
Abstract Android system is an open source mobile operating system based on the Linux system as the core. In recent years, as market share Android system smart phone increases, the applications based on Android system have become a research hotspot.
This article describes the methods of programming of SQLite database based on Android system, as well as its simulation and run in smart phone. We emphasize on the work process of SQLite database management software and its calling methods in Android system. The program of this work implements several functions including creating and deleting the database, creating and deleting the table, and adding, deleting, updating and searching the data in database. The results of the simulation and run on Android phone were compared to verify the correctness of the program.
Keywords Android SQLite Database Smart Phone
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 课题研究内容与方法 1
1.3 论文结构 2
2 基于Android系统的编程与SQLite数据库的使用 3
2.1 Android应用程序开发工具包的安装 3
2.2 SQLite数据库操作方法简介 5
3 基于Android系统的SQLite数据库编程实现 11
3.1 应用程序结构设计 11
3.2 应用界面设计与实现 12
3.3 数据库的创建与删除 16
3.4 表的创建与删除 17
3.5 数据库中数据的增删改查 19
4 运行结果 21
4.1 虚拟设备上的仿真结果 21
4.2 实际设备上的运行结果 24
结论 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录A 程序源代码 30
1 绪论
1.1 课题背景及目的
随着智能手机的蓬勃发展,手机操作系统也在不断完善,主要的操作系统有IOS、Android、Windows、RIM、Palm、Symbian等。近年来不同操作系统竞争激烈,包括Symbian在内的多种操作系统偃旗息鼓,以Android系统和IOS为代表的谷歌和苹果两大阵营主导智能手机市场。其中,谷歌的Android系统以其强大的生命力和发展潜力后来居上,成为手机操作系统开发的新宠。 基于Android系统的SQLite数据库编程实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_70541.html