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时间:2021-03-30 21:15来源:毕业论文
校园招聘求职信息系统的开发是以ASP.NET 2.0作为开发环境,项目采用三层体系结构和B/S模式,数据库系统采用SQL Server 2008 R2,以C#作为本系统开发语言,以Windows 7 64位的操作系统作为运行


本校园招聘求职信息系统的开发是以ASP.NET 2.0作为开发环境,项目采用三层体系结构和B/S模式,数据库系统采用SQL Server 2008 R2,以C#作为本系统开发语言,以Windows 7 64位的操作系统作为运行平台。在设计过程中进行了需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、测试、维护等阶段。在需求分析阶段对具体操作流程、数据分析,在总体设计阶段进行了系统的功能和数据库的设计,在详细设计阶段,通过前期阶段得出的结论运用ASP.NET + SQL 2008对系统进行编写。在测试阶段主要采用单个模块,模块集成,总体验收等测试。本系统的主要功能有:管理用户列表、个人信息和简历的填写、公司信息的填写、招聘信息的发布、求职简历的投递、通知面试等功能。

毕业论文关键词  ASP.NET;SQL Server 2008;校园招聘求职信息系统;


Title  Design and Implementation of Campus Recruitment Information System


Employment system is a human-computer interaction information management system, It creates virtual recruiting platforms on the Internet, companies can release recruitment information through this platform, and Graduates can submit resume through this platform,so they reach target each other. It saves the manpower and financial resources, and brings great convenience for job seekers. We can also make full use of cyber source access to a large number of job recruitment information, so that we have more autonomy in job recruitment. The lowest costs in exchange for the biggest returns, makes use of campus recruitment information system widely started in management of college employment and

This system provides graduates and companies a convenience way to recruitment. They can complete the job search and recruitment easily.

Development background of the online recruitment systems is ASP.NET 2.0, the project uses the development of the three-tier architecture and the B/S mode, and SQL Server2008 R2 is applied as the database system., we using C # as development language, windows 7 64-bit operating system as a work platform. We experienced requirements analysis, design, detailed design, testing and maintenance at design time. In the requirements analysis phase analysis process that data dictionary, the overall design stage includes the system function design and database design, and according to the result of previous use of ASP.NET + SQL 2008  in the detailed design phase. The main functions of this system are user list management, fill in personal information and resume, fill in the information, recruitment information, recruitment, resume, interview notice etc.

Keywords  ASP.NET;SQL Server 2008;Campus Recruitment System

1  绪论 1

1.1  引用 2

1.2  研究现状及发展趋势 2 ASP.NET校园招聘求职信息系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_72196.html
