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时间:2021-04-30 21:01来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  快递系统 收发管理  权限


Title    Courier company to send and receive management                     

          system design and implementation                                        


With the development of online shopping and transportation in recent years, express delivery business has been developing at an annual rate of 20%, there is a large number of express which is delivered to the customer every day. Every day, there is massive express data which need to be collected and analyzed, it is impossible to realize this job by artificial, so the  express’s send and receive management system emerged at the right time.

This article provides a realization of the express’s send and receive information management system. This paper realizes the user registration, login, password modification, information modification, etc. It also realizes the creation of express single, express delivery, the in and out of the express delivery list, the sign and receive management of express single and so on. The system allows administrators to define the storages ,region and employee. It automatic provide list of orders for the user for processing.

Keywords  Express system    Management of the send and receive    Authority    

目   次

1 引言  1

2 概述2

2.1开发背景 2

2.2 开发目标2

3 技术介绍3

3.1 SQL Server 3

3.1.1 SQL Server数据库 3

3.1.2 SQL语句  3

3.2 asp.net 4

4 需求分析5

4.1 用户登录5

4.2 功能实现5


4.2.2 派送人员5

4.2.3 快件收发员6

4.2.4 仓库管理员6

4.2.5 系统管理员6

4.2.6 系统结构图6

4.2.7 订单运送流程图7

4.2.8 订单运送状态7

5 数据库设计9

5.1 数据库设计原则9

5.2 ER图  9

5.3 表设计10

5.3.1 表设计原则10

6 系统详细设计和实现15

6.1 基本功能设计15

6.1.1 注册15

6.1.2 登录15

6.1.3 修改资料16

6.1.4 修改密码16

6.2 普通用户17

6.2.1 新建订单17

6.2.2 查看订单记录18

6.3 快件收发员19

6.3.1 确认订单20

6.3.2 查看记录21

6.3.3 派送订单21

6.4 仓库管理员22

6.4.1 入库操作22

6.4.2 出库操作23

6.4.3 仓库状态管理24

6.4.4 仓库记录24

6.4.5 库存订单查看25

6.5 快件派送员25

6.5.1 快件派送25

6.5.2 派送记录查询27

6.6 系统管理员27

6.6.1 仓库管理27

6.6.2 区域管理28 asp.net+sqlserver快递公司收发管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_74649.html
