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时间:2021-04-30 21:03来源:毕业论文

摘要柔性制造系统(Flexible Manufacturing System ,FMS)是一种典型的离散事件动态系统,柔性制造系统调度的两个关键问题是调度模型和调度算法,利用Petri网建模分析已经成为柔性制造系统的主要研究方法之一。本文主要学习、研究了基于Petri网的柔性制造系统的建模与调度问题。在并发系统的状态树图中,通过A*算法寻找到了从初始节点到目标节点的最优调度路径,从而实现了从系统初始节点到目标节点的最优调度。为实际系统的最优调度提供了有价值的参考。66668


1. 分析了柔性制造系统的特点和Petri网理论知识,提出了基于Petri网模型的FMS分析。

2. 研究了A*搜索算法并在Petri网模型上编程实现了A*搜索算法,实现了从系统初始节点到目标节点的最优调度。

毕业论文关键词  柔性制造系统  Petri网   A*搜索算法


Title      Research and Implementation of A* intelligent    

     search  algorithm in Job scheduling system                


Flexible manufacturing system is a typical event dynamic system. The model and algorithm are two keys of flexible manufacturing system scheduling.

The modeling and analysis of Petri net has become one of the main research methods of flexible manufacturing system. In this paper, We have studied and researched the modeling and scheduling problems of flexible manufacturing system based on Petri nets. In the state tree diagram of the concurrent system, we have found the optimal path from the initial node to the target node of the system by A* algorithm, so that We can achieve an optimal scheduling from the initial node to the target node of the system. This can provide a valuable reference for the optimal scheduling of the actual system.

The main contents include:

1. The analysis of the characteristics of flexible manufacturing system and knowledge of Petri net theory, and the analysis of FMS based on Petri net model.

2. The research of A* search algorithm and the Programming of it on Petri net model. And We have achieved the optimal scheduling from the initial node to the target node of the system.

Keywords  Flexible Manufacturing System  Petri nets  A* search algorithm

目   次

1   绪论   1

1.1所研究问题的背景和意义   1

1.2 C#开发工具简介   2

1.3 本文的主要工作与组织结构   3

2   柔性制造系统和Petri网   4

2.1 柔性制造系统   4

2.2 Petri网定义及性质   5

2.3 Petri 网在柔性制造系统中的应用  9

3   基于Petri 网的FMS系统建模  10

3.1 FMS系统的Petri网模型构建  10

3.2 Petri网模型的演化算法  12

4   A*算法及调度实例  14

4.1 A*算法背景知识  14

4.2 A*调度算法简介  14

4.3仿真软件的实现  16

4.4调度实例及分析  18

结论  29

致谢  30

参考文献  31

1  绪论


1.1  所研究问题的背景和意义  作业调度系统中的A*智能搜索算法研究与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_74650.html
