Abstract:Aiming at the shortcomings of the current network data processing efficiency is low, in analysis MPC837X NIC hardware features,vxworks operating system characteristics based on of network protocol stack architecture and several open source network protocol stack, invxworks platform FreescaleeTSEC network card driver based on the improved method, through on a network drive to increase the network data packet filter function, and can be manually configure filtration rules, that no need to submit to the protocol stack of the data packet forwarding, reduce the pressure of the upper layer protocol stack and software. Last modified NIC driver and protocol stack interface, the data package submitted to the upper protocol stack submitted directly to the system network protocol stack, no longer to the originalvxworks System comes with the protocol stack in the filed of network data. The experimental results show that system throughput and processing efficiency is greatly improved.
Keywords:Vxworks operating system,Network protocol stack,Filtering function,MPC837X
目 录
1 绪论 4
2 MPC837X硬件系统及vxworks操作系统 4
2.1 MPC837X硬件系统 4
2.2 MPC837X网卡硬件过滤特性 7
2.3 vxworks操作系统的特点 8
2.4 vxworks内核组成 8
3 嵌入式网卡驱动 10
3.1 vxworks操作系统网卡驱动 10
3.2 网络设备驱动的数据结构 10
3.3 网络数据传递 12
3.4 网络数据接收 15
4 网卡驱动优化 16
4.1 网卡驱动优化方法 16
4.2 实验及分析 20
总 结 22
参 考 文 献 23
致 谢 24
1 绪论
随着计算机网络的不断发展,网络环境越来越复杂,如采用可变端口通信,采用端口伪装来绕过防火墙,采用隧道技术来封装数据包等等。这些技术给网络协议识别带来了巨大的挑战,直接影响到了网络安全和服务质量的保证。协议识别技术一直随着计算机网络的发展而不断的发展,由于其在其他网络应用中的重要地位,一直以来协议识别技术都是很多学者和网络爱好者关注的研究方向。 vxworks操作系统网络协议栈过滤功能MPC837X:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_80117.html