针对传统点菜效率较低的缺点,结合手持终端设备,为餐饮店提供了一种基于网络的点菜系统,使整个餐饮店的管理变得方便和快捷。客户进店后,可以通过手持终端进行浏览菜品、点菜、退菜和催、缓菜等功能。同时,为管理员提供一个智能的服务平台,实现对顾客所点菜品信息的查询和结账。在后台端,厨师可以浏览前台所点的菜,并根据时间顺序排序后备餐,从而提高了服务的效率。本系统采用B/S工作模式,基于ASP.NET开发,开发软件为Dreamweaver MX 2004,利用 C#进行编写,Access 2007 作为后台数据库。本文从系统需求,系统调研和系统设计几方面介绍了整个系统的开发过程。关键词:点菜系统,B/S,ASP.NET,C#,数据库。10054
Title The Development of the Restaurant Reservation System
Based on the Network
Aiming at the disadvantage for the traditional low efficiency that the restaurant is faced
with, combined with handheld device that provides a web-based ordering system for
restaurants, the thesis design and supply a set of service mode, to provide web portal
and so that the entire restaurant can be more convenient and efficient. When the
customers come in, they can use handheld terminal to watch the food what they want to
eat and order it. If they do not want to eat some food they have ordered, they can delete
it by handheld terminal. Also, they can press food or slow it. It provides administrators
with an intelligent service platform for the management of the customer point of dishes.
In the kitchen, the chef can browse all of the dishes, preparing meal and in accordance
with the chronological order, thereby increasing the efficiency of the service. The
system adopts B/S mode, based on the ASP.NET. Its development platform is
Dreamweaver MX 2004. And the main development languages are C#. The database is
Access 2007. The thesis introduces the development process of the software from the
system requirement, the system survey and system design.
Keywords: Restaurant Reservation system, B/S, ASP.NET, C#, Database.
目 次
1 绪论„ 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 课题调研„ 2
1.3 课题可行性分析 3
1.4 小结 4
2 系统的设计与实现„ 5
2.1 总体设计 5
2.2 系统开发与开发工具„ 7
2.3 系统的功能实现„14
3 系统测试16
3.1 登陆页面16
3.2 功能测试16
3.3 手持终端测试22
结论 26
致谢 27
1 绪论
1.1 背景及意义
在 Internet 网络技术高度发达的今天,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,餐
题,方案试图设计一个基于B/S网络架构的点菜系统,能够通过移动的客户端(如 ASP.net网络点菜系统开发+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_8964.html