Remains of ancient buildings transfer unit design
Abstract: In the construction of our city modernization, many should be saved and the protection of ancient buildings have been destroyed. How the development of the city at the same time, to strengthen the protection of ancient buildings, has become a need to seriously consider the important and urgent issue. Overallmigration technology building, a good solution to the problem. The basic principle is: in ensuring the moved objects without destroying the use of machinery and equipment conditions will be required for removal and movingobject. Overall migration is established based on the transfer unit, itsoperation is the main target of the soil. In different construction occasions andsoil condition and the cutting process, the cutting device shape plays an important role, as far as possible in order to reduce the cutting resistance, the taper cutter in this design. Process with the cutting edge taper cutter in the soilsubstrate motion, cut soil and cut off the soil dust is called the soil cutting. The use of transfer unit in the design, research and time, soil cutting method,cutting process and cutting amount of soil, the soil on the cutting toolproduced by physical and mechanical relationship, and reduce the digging resistance way and so on, are the main factors determining structure typecutting device, force, power consumption, and make job specification. Drivenby method of this design for motor drive, and the synchronous belttransmission chain as the power is transmitted to each of the cutting tool.Taking into account the three-phase AC asynchronous motor has the advantages of simple structure, reliable operation, low price, strong overload capacity and the use, installation, convenient maintenance and so on, so theselection of three-phase asynchronous motor as the driving mechanism.
KeyWords: The soil cutting; taper cutter; cutting device; driving mechanism
1 绪论
翻开我国几千年来的城市建设史册,有着气势恢宏的城市发展史迹和数量浩繁、多姿多彩的建筑遗存。然而,不幸的是由于人为的破坏,留存至今的已为数寥寥。据人们对北京、上海、沈阳、南京、杭州、洛阳、武汉、广州、长沙等国务院首批公布的全国24座历史文化古城的粗略调查,从目前这些城市的古建筑保护现状看,实在令人忧虑。许多本应得到挽救与保护的古建筑,却在城市建设现代化的浪潮中遭到破坏。如何在城市发展的同时,更好地加强古建筑的保护,已成为一个需要认真思考和亟待解决的重要问题。 古建筑遗址迁移机组设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_12285.html