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时间:2018-04-09 21:56来源:毕业论文

The design of the total sour water stripper stripping unit
Abstract: Tower is an important process equipment, which is widely used in petrochemical, pharmacy, food, environment protection and so on. Acidic water treated in this unit have an H2S-rich feed gas and an NH3/H2S raw gas, sulfur recovery unit sent stripping discharge water delivery outside the factory for further processing. Based on process conditions, Q245R was chosen as column material. Stiffening was made at open pore region and stiffening rings was chosen. The strength and the stability of the column were checked including calculating mass loads, self-vibrations cycles, earthquake loads, earthquake moments, wind loads, wind moments, eccentric moments, maximum moments. The axial stresses in cylindrical shell and skirt support were checked. The strength and the stability of the column were eligible. And by comparing different components, demisters, trays, tubes, flanges, flats and ladders were designed and chosen. Finally, finite element analysis for the cylindrical shell were applied to check exactly the stresses under internal pressure, wind load, earthquake load.
KeyWords: tray column; sour water stripping unit; pressure vessel; finite element analysis
目    录
1 材料选择和结构设计•5
 1.1 内压圆筒设计与计算5
 1.2 封头的设计计算7
 1.3 裙座结构与焊接连接设计7
  1.3.1 裙座结构设计••7
  1.3.2 焊接连接设计••8
 1.4 接管及孔径9
  1.4.1 孔径表••9
 1.5 开孔和开孔补强9
1.5.1 原料酸水主进料口••9
1.5.2 冷酸水/TB水进料口•11
1.5.3 中压氮气进入口12
1.5.4 塔顶至火炬系统排出口12
1.5.5 液相物料出口13
1.5.6 气相物料进口14
1.5.7 温度计15
1.5.8 液面计16
1.5.9 压力计17
1.5.10 人孔••17
1.6 本章总结••18
2 强度和稳定性计算•••19
2.1 考核缺陷对压力容器安全性的影响••19
2.2 质量载荷计算••19
2.3 塔的自振周期计算••23
2.4 地震载荷与地震弯矩计算••24
2.4.1 水平地震力24
2.4.2 垂直地震力26
2.5 风载荷••28
2.5.1 水平风力28
2.5.2 风弯矩29
2.6 偏心弯距•••32
2.7 最大弯距•••33
1 概述
在化工、炼油、医药、食品及环境保护等工业部门,塔设备是一种重要的单元操作设备。它的应用面广、量大。塔设备的作用是实现气(汽)-液相或液液相之间的充分接触,从而达到相互间进行传质和传热的过程。塔设备广泛用于蒸馏、吸收、介质(气提)、萃取、气体的洗涤、增湿及冷却等操作单元中,它的操作性能的好坏,对整个装置的生产,产品质量、产量、成本以及环境保护、“三废”处理等都有较大的影响。随着石油、化工的迅速发展,塔设备的合理造型及设计将受到越来越多的关注。 酸性水汽提装置总汽提塔设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_12743.html