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时间:2018-05-13 17:06来源:毕业论文

摘要:转向管柱总成是转向系统地重要部件,是连接方向盘与转向器之间的转向机构。在正常使用中起着把方向盘传来的转动力矩传递到转向器的作用,在汽车、火车、轮船及其它机械实用领域中有着广泛的应用。设计转向管柱轴承压装及铆口机系统,实现压装力在线检测、压装力数据实时显示、不合格报警等功能,对于确保产品质量有着重要的实际意义。文章介绍的设备,是转向管柱总装配线中的一个装配站,是在原有转向管柱轴承压装及铆口机设计理念的基础上,对其进行改进,使轴承压装力更为精准,简化整体机械结构,减少动力源,并使压装与铆口两道工序在只使用一个动力源的基础上有机地结合起来。同时,该专用机床采用普通的标准配件,结合巧妙的机械结构,实现半自动装配功能和在线检测,具有防错、减少劳动强度、降低装配成本等功能; 是适用于转向管柱行业的一种专用设备。22870
毕业论文关键词: 转向管柱;轴承;压装;铆口
The design of column bearing pressing and riveting machine steering
Abstract: Steering column assembly is an important component of the steering system , the connection between the steering wheel and the steering is the steering mechanism . Pass plays came rotational torque to the steering wheel steering role in normal use , is widely used in cars, trains , ships and other mechanical and practical fields. Design steering column bearing press-fit mouth and riveting machine system, fitting force online testing, fitting force data real-time display , alarm function failed , to ensure the quality of products has important practical significance. This paper introduces the device is in the steering column of a total assembly line assembly station , is based on the original steering column bearing press-fit and rivet design on the opening drive , to improve it , to make more precise bearing fitting force , simplify the overall mechanical structure , reducing the power source , and to press-fit and riveting opening two processes using only one power source based on organically combined . Meanwhile, the special machine parts using common standards , combined with ingenious mechanical structure, function and achieve semi-automatic assembly line testing , with error prevention , reduce labor intensity , reducing assembly costs and other functions ; is a dedicated steering column applies to the industry equipment.
Key words:steering column;bearings;press-fit;riveting
目  录
1.绪论 1
1.1本课题的意义与目的 1
1.2 国内外研究现状1
1.3 本课题解决的主要问题2
2 装配要求及解决方案 4
2.1  转向管柱轴承压装及铆口机设计的要求 4
2.1.1  装配步骤 4
2.1.2  主要防错环节及防错方法 4
2.1.3  需要快换的工装夹具 5
2.1.4  装配要求总结 5
2.2  课题的基本前提、假设与原始数据 5
2.2.1 问题的提出5
2.2.2  课题的基本内容 5
2.2.3  课题的假设 6
2.2.4  原始条件及数据 7
2.2.5  本课题的重点与难点 7
2.3  解决方案 8
2.4  设备结构描述 9
3 设备的整体设计 10
3.1 工作原理10
3.2  动力机构的选择 11
3.3  压装部分的设计 12
3.3.1  压装部件的导向 14
3.3.2  动力元件与压装部件的连接 14
3.3.3  压头的设计 16
3.3.4  压装部件的校核 17
3.4  铆口部分的设计 19
3.4.1  铆头 19
3.4.2  铆压头的快换性 19
3.4.3  铆压部件的校核 20
3.5  压装部分与铆口部分的结合 22
3.5.1四杆机构 22
3.5.2 压板22
3.5.3 四杆机构的复位23
3.5.4 四杆机构设计的工艺性24 CAXA转向管柱压装及铆口机设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_15689.html