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时间:2018-07-29 14:23来源:毕业论文
CurrentNX = TOX CurrentNY = TOY Next TOX Else Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(2), PointY(2), 1, 2, CircleTime) Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(3), PointY(3), 2, 3, CircleTime) Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(0), PointY(0)

                 CurrentNX = TOX
                 CurrentNY = TOY
               Next TOX
               Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(2), PointY(2), 1, 2, CircleTime)
               Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(3), PointY(3), 2, 3, CircleTime)
               Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(0), PointY(0), 3, 4, CircleTime)
               Call PXYTOGraphic(X, Y, 4, 1, CircleTime)
            End If
         ElseIf SPXY = 2 Then
            If Y - CurrentNY > 0 Then
               For TOX = StartX To X Step -1
                 TOY = -(CurrentNR ^ 2 - (TOX - CurrentNI) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 + CurrentNJ
                   Call DrawLine(CurrentNX, CurrentNY, TOX, TOY)
                 CurrentNX = TOX
                 CurrentNY = TOY
               Next TOX
              Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(3), PointY(3), 2, 3, CircleTime)
              Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(0), PointY(0), 3, 4, CircleTime)
              Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(1), PointY(1), 4, 1, CircleTime)
              Call PXYTOGraphic(X, Y, 1, 2, CircleTime)
            End If
         ElseIf SPXY = 3 Then
            If Y - CurrentNY > 0 Then
               For TOX = StartX To X
                 TOY = (CurrentNR ^ 2 - (TOX - CurrentNI) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 + CurrentNJ
                   Call DrawLine(CurrentNX, CurrentNY, TOX, TOY)
                 CurrentNX = TOX
                 CurrentNY = TOY
               Next TOX
               Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(0), PointY(0), 3, 4, CircleTime)
               Call PXYTOGraphic(PointX(1), PointY(1), 4, 1, CircleTime) 数控系统动画仿真软件设计+仿真程序(8):http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_20570.html