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时间:2018-09-22 14:32来源:毕业论文

关键词    三自由度 平移 滑轨 电机
Title  A  Physical  Construction   for  Rocket   Motion  Simulation                                               
With the rapid development of computer graphics design technology and 3D design technology, the design of mechanical structure will be simple and effective by using 3D software and so on. The design of structure is a part of the actual project, the swing of the rocket body is simulated, in order to be fueling docking port electrical lines docking other docking process. Because of the influence of the rocket projectile in the vertical process of the gust and so on, the rocket projectile simulator is designed to simulate the process.
The design requirements in the simulation of the arrow body movement pattern, that is, given the motor sport program. The motion of three degrees of freedom is simulated in a given motion law. The three rail vertical structure movement simulation, selection of motor and simulation.
Keywords  Three degree of freedom   Translation   Slide   Electrical Appliances
1绪论    1
1.1课题研究的背景和意义    1
1.1.1  课题研究背景    1
1.1.2  课题研究意义    1
1.2国内外发展现状    2
1.3火箭自动对接的发展趋势    3
1.4对接脱落低温连接器介绍    3
1.5总结    4
2方案选择    5
2.1 方案一Delta并联机构    5
2.1.1整体介绍    5
2.1.2Delta并联机构    5
2.1.3运动空间分析    6
2.1.4冲击载荷    7
2.1.5杆件分析    7
2.2方案二  三导轨垂直运动机构    8
2.2.1整体介绍    8
2.2.2动力来源    8
2.2.3滑轨选择    8
2.4整体结构分析    9
2.5方案总结    9
3火箭箭体模拟器总体设计    11
3.1箭体模拟器相关数据及技术参数    11
3.2确定结构方案    11
3.3确定底座各零部件尺寸    11
3.3.1确定摆动行程    11
3.3.2确定滑轨工作方式    12
3.3.3确定工作台尺寸    13
3.3.4确定滚珠滑块尺寸    14
3.3.5确定滚珠螺帽尺寸    15
3.3.6确定滚珠螺杆尺寸    16
3.3.7确定固定轴承的尺寸    16
3.3.8确定联轴器的尺寸    17
3.3.9确定电机的预留尺寸    17 adams某箭体运动模拟器设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_23263.html