然后,本文在visual studio 2010开发环境下建立了MFC应用程序项目,对控制软件进行了具体的设计。根据实际操作流程以及功能需求设计了控制软件的界面,并完成了运动控制软件中各功能模块的程序设计,同时实现了控制软件与CG电脑、下位机之间的通讯。30955
关键词 摄影机器人 CNC控制器 关键帧 遥控手柄
Title Design And Development 0f Photography Robot Control System
Based on the specific project which has existed mechanical structure, this paper designs the photography robot motion control system.
Firstly, this paper establishes the motion control system based on CNC servo system after analyzing the main functions and performance indicators of the photography robot. The circuit diagram of each hardware module is presented and described in detail, and the electrical cabinet installation is also completed.
Then, this paper establishes a MFC application project in visual studio 2010 development environment to develop the control software. The software interface is designed according to the actual operational processes and function requirements, and completed the function module design of motion control software, meanwhile achieving a communication with CG computer and motion control hardware.
Finally, photography robot motion control system experiments were conducted. The experiments include automatic control experiment, remote control experiment, and actual application experiment. These experiments prove that the motion control system designed in this paper meets the design requirements.
Keywords photography robot,CNC controller keyframes,remote control handle
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 本文主要研究内容 3
2 摄影机器人运动控制系统结构与硬件设计 4
2.1 摄影机器人控制系统的设计要求 4
2.2 控制系统总体结构设计 6
2.3 控制系统硬件设计 7
2.4 电柜的安装 11
3 摄影机器人运动控制系统软件设计 14
3.1 运动控制系统软件设计要求 14
3.2 运动控制系统上位机控制界面总体设计 15
3.3 关键帧操作模块 17
3.4 自动控制模块 19
3.5 手动控制模式模块 21
3.6 遥控模块 22
3.7 串口通讯模块 24
4 实验与实验结果分析 27
4.1 运动控制实验 27
4.2 手柄遥控实验 29
4.3 实际拍摄应用实验 31
结 论 33
致 谢 35
附录A 伺服电机控制主要程序 38
附录B 主动控制模式主要程序 40 摄影机器人控制系统设计与研制:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_26939.html