毕业论文关键词: 加热周期;炉子功率;热效率;电热元件
The Design of a Box-type Resistance Furnace
Abstract: Current through the resistance heating element dedicated heat furnace (i.e. electric heating element) generated by means of radiation, convection, and conduction heat, transfer to the material to be treated, this is known as the indirect electric resistance furnace resistance furnace. Such a furnace is characterized by: using different materials electric heating element may reach different maximum operating temperature in the furnace; the use of an electric heater installed and arranged in different ways, you can get a variety of desired temperature profile and formed in the furnace a variety of forms and sizes of the furnace. In addition, the furnace thermal system easier to be accurately calculated, and can work in any atmosphere or vacuum required. Thus, the indirect electric resistance furnace industrial production and scientific research the most widely used. Since the thermal efficiency is much greater than the thermal efficiency of the furnace fuel boilers, so the fuel energy shortage today, the development of electric development must be a priority.
KeyWords: heating cycle;stove power;thermal efficiency;heating element
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状及水平 1
1.2.1 国内研究现状及水平 1
1.2.2 国外研究现状及水平 1
1.3 发展趋势 2
1.4 调研情况 2
2 电阻炉介绍与类型 3
2.1 直接电热电阻炉 3
2.2 间接电热电阻炉 3
2.2.1 间接电热电阻炉的供电 4
2.2.2 间接电热电阻炉的功率调节 4
2.2.3 间接电热电阻炉的温度控制 5
2.2.4 间接电热电阻炉的节能措施 5
3 设计计算 7
3.1 电阻炉炉型设计 7
3.1.1 箱式电阻炉 7
3.2 热处理工件基本参数、炉型确定及淬火 7
3.2.1 原始条件及数据 7
3.2.2 炉型选择 7
3.2.3 淬火热处理工艺 7
3.3 加热周期的计算 8
3.3.1 加热时间的计算 9
3.3.2 保温,油冷时间的计算 10
3.3.3 总加热时间 11
3.4 确定炉体结构和尺寸 11
3.4.1 炉底长度、宽度和炉膛高度的确定 11
3.4.2 炉衬材料及其厚度的确定 12
3.5 砌体平均表面积计算 12
3.5.1 炉顶的平均面积 12
3.5.2 炉墙的平均面积 13
3.5.3炉底的平均面积 13
3.6 计算电阻炉的功率 13
3.6.1加热工件所需要的热量Q件 13 热处理箱式电阻炉的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_33755.html