1. 研究四足动物的运动器官,在此基础上进行设计四足仿生机器人的运动结构以及运动的方法并进行结构分析。重点在于腿部结构,需要满足,每一条腿有三个自由度和三维工作空间,结构紧凑,有一定越障能力,承载能力强,刚性良好,质量轻等基本要求。
2. 对四足仿生机器人进行步态规划,步态分析。四足机器人静态稳定性是由满足三点支撑来保证,通过计算机器人的静态稳定裕度 D和动态稳定裕度 SZMP来判断四足仿生机器人运动的稳定性。
3. 对四足仿生机器人建立数学模型并进行运动学分析,求运动学方程的正解,逆解。采用的方法是通过 D-H法设计了机器人的坐标系,建立足端的运动方程, 对运动方程进行求解。
4. 进行四足机器人足端运动的轨迹规划。在直角坐标空间利用三次多项式对轨迹进行插值,并求出腿部结构各个关节的关节方程。对足端的路径在时间上进行路径规划,设定足端在路径上所经过的路径点的位置和相应的时间,从而求出路径点之间的关节角方程。
5. 利用 Solidworks 三维软件进行对四足仿生机器人建立虚拟模型,然后导入 ADAMS软件,在仿真环境下进行虚拟样机仿真并分析仿真所得到的角速度,角加速度,并对其各方面性能参数进行分析,为其后续设计研究提供理论基础。
6. 选择四足仿生机器人的各个零部件的型号以及特性。对机器人的个部分进行详细设计及装配。
关键词: 四足机器人,仿生,步行分析,运动学,轨迹规划
Title Design of 4 legged bionic robot and analysis of walking gait
Robot has good stability, high accuracy, strong carrying capacity, high speed and so on, it has already been studied and used by human beings. Robots can replace human beings in some harsh working environment to complete a variety of tasks, and the work efficiency is far beyond the ability of artificial. With the development of robot technology, the four legged bionic robot has been concerned by scientists in the world. The robot has obvious advantages in the complex terrain such as the forest, the seabed, the soil, the pebble beach, the grassland and so on. Therefore, the four legged bionic robot has been rapidly developed and applied in the field of exploration, rescue, space, military, home entertainment and other fields for decades. Thus, the four legged bionic robot has become a very important research direction.
The main research contents of this paper include:
1.To study the motor organs of the four legged animals, and to design the structure and methods of the motion of the four legged bionic robot. Focuses on leg structure, the need to meet, each leg has three degrees of freedom and three dimensional space, compact structure, there are certain over obstacle ability, strong bearing capacity, good rigidity, light weight and so basic requirements. Solidworks的4足仿生机器人设计与行走步态分析:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_42769.html