摘要本论文在充分了解使用需求和国内外相关产品研究进展的基础上,对相关产品的结构特点进行了剖析,提出了一种供便衣警察、特工和安保警卫人员使用的一款可变形枪械(冲锋枪)的总体方案,并采用SolidWorks2010三维实体造型软件完成了可变形枪械各个机构的三维实体造型。对各个机构进行总装变形,完成了9种总装变形方案的设计供使用者选择。同时,本论文利用计算机程序对可变形枪械的内弹道相关诸元进行了解算,求得了内弹道 曲线,获得了可变形枪械的最大膛压和初速。对枪管强度以及缠度进行了校核;在完成了可变形枪械的复进簧计算后估算出了可变形枪械的运动特性,同时验证了可变形枪械自动机运动的可靠性。采用AutoCAD软件完成了主要零部件的二维工程图纸的绘制。
关键词 可变形枪械 总体方案 内弹道 枪管强度校核 缠度校核 复进簧 运动特性 可靠性 42566
Title The Design and Analysis of a Variable Configuration Gun
In this paper, on the basis of adequate research on requirement and research progress at home and abroad, we analyzed the related products and proposed an overall plan of variable configuration gun with 9 varieties for policeman in disguise, secret agent and security staff. Its three-dimensional solid modeling of its mechanisms was completed by SolidWorks 2010. By variable assembly configurations, 9 variable assembly configurations were obtained for user selections. Moreover, in present paper, its interior ballistic curves( ), maximum bore pressure and muzzle velocity were obtained by numerical computation. The barrel strength verification and rifling twist check were conducted respectively. Furthermore, motion characteristics of variable configuration gun were evaluated based on the design calculation of the recoil spring. Meanwhile the movement reliability of automata was verified. The two-dimensional engineering drawings of the main components were completed with AutoCAD 2007.
Keywords variable configuration gun, overall program, internal ballistics, barrel strength verification, rifling twist check,recoil spring,movement characteristics, reliability
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题提出的背景 1
1.2 国内外可变形枪械发展现状分析 6
1.3 本毕业设计完成的主要工作 10
2 可变形枪械总体方案设计 12
2.1 可变形枪械总体方案设计要求 12
2.2 可变形枪械拟采用的基本结构和形式 13
3 可变形枪械各机构方案设计 14
3.1 三维实体造型软件SolidWorks介绍 14
3.2 自动机、复进机方案设计 14
3.3 枪管方案设计 15
3.4 弹匣、握把套方案设计 16
3.5 瞄准具方案设计 19
3.6 保险机构方案设计 21
3.7 击发机构方案设计 23
3.8 发射机构方案设计 24
3.9 上机匣方案设计 24
3.10 下机匣方案设计 25