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时间:2020-05-26 20:56来源:毕业论文




 Abstract The crankshaft of the engine is one of the most important parts, its performance directly affects the reliability and life of the engine. Its action is change the to and fro straight-line motion of the piston into rotary motion,and change the gas pressure on the piston into torque, that is used to drive executive body and accessory system of the diesel engine. Crankshaft is withstanding the changing pressure, inertia force and the torque. Therefore, in the design of the crankshaft, the dimensions, structure, materials and processes of crankshaft must be selected properly, so that it has a high fatigue strength, a large stiffness, a good wear resistance and a reasonable economy. 

The main task of this design is the structural design, three-dimensional modeling, and process analysis of the 375 diesel engine’s  crankshaft. First, according to the performance indicators of diesel engine select the materials and the main performance parameters of diesel engine’s crankshaft, then design the structure and build 3D models of crankshaft by referring to the structure of 375 diesel engine’s crankshaft. Secondly, according to the given size parameters of crankshaft to pick out the parts easing to produce the phenomenon of stress concentration and check its strength. Finally, access to relevant information and prepare the crankshaft processing technology combining with the structural properties of the crankshaft .

Key words: 375 diesel engine; crankshaft; structural design; 

three-dimensional modeling; processing technology 

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2

1.3 本文的主要内容 3

第二章 曲轴的结构设计 4

2.1 375柴油机主要技术参数 4

2.2 曲轴概述 4

2.3 曲轴的结构型式及其选择 5

2.3.1 曲轴的结构形式 5

2.3.2 曲轴的材料 6

2.4 曲轴的基本尺寸 6

2.4.1 主轴颈和曲柄销 6

2.4.2 曲柄臂 7

2.4.3 曲轴圆角 8

2.4.4 润滑油道 8

2.4.5 曲轴平衡块 375柴油机曲轴设计建模及其加工工艺分析+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_52913.html
