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时间:2017-04-23 08:33来源:毕业论文

Probe holder molding process and injection mold design
Abstract: This topic belongs to the electrical components, The product is the main part of the component parts and use plastic molding. It needs high surface quality requirements and the shape is not allowed to leave a visible traces. Focus on solving the mold structure design is reasonable. Its exhaust should be good, after forming as much as possible to achieve the accuracy requirements and to consider the deformation of the molding process. They are in mass production, require a mold four-chamber.
     Completion of the contents of the plastic molding process design and mold design and manufacturing process: Learning through graduate design, can use UG to make a simple three-dimensional modeling, the process of the preparation of the mold parts machining process, understand the mold processing, processing technology, learn to analysis to determine the gating system and parting surface, mold flow analysis to determine the best casting system.
Keywords: Mechanical Design; Injection Molding; Lifter
目  录
1  绪论    1
1.1  引言    1
1.2  主要零件结构分析    1
2  结构设计    2
材料的选择    4
3.1  分析制件材料使用性能    4
3.2  分析塑料工艺性能:    5
3.3  塑件的结构工艺性分析    5
4  确定塑料成型方式及工艺过程    6
4.1  成型工艺规程    6
5  分析塑件结构工艺性    10
5.1  塑件尺寸精度分析    10
6  初步选择注塑成型设备    11
6.1  依据最大注射量初选设备    11
6.1.1  计算塑件的体积    11
6.1.2  计算塑件的质量    11
6.1.3  计算每次注射进入模具塑料总体积(总质量)    11
6.2  依据最大锁模力初选设备    12
7  确定成型工艺参数    13
7.1  温度    13
7.2  压力    13
7.3  时间(成型周期)    13
8  分型面的确定和浇注系统的设计    14
8.1  确定型腔数目及分布    14
8.2  选择分型面    14
8.3  浇注系统的设计    15
8.4  设计排气系统和引气系统    18
9  设计注塑机成型零件    19
9.1  成型零件结构设计    19
9.2  型芯和型腔工作尺寸的计算    19
9.3  侧壁厚度的计算    20
10  注塑模结构类型及模架的选用    21
10.1  确定模架组合形式    21
10.2  计算型腔模板周界    21
10.3  确定模板周界尺寸    21 探头支架成型工艺及注射模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_5502.html