摘要压机械在工业生产中占有极其重要的地位,广泛应用于机械、电子、国防等几乎所有的工业部门。然而,在锻压机械中又以曲柄压力机居多,约占市场总份额一半以上。 曲柄压力机是一种最常用的冷冲压设备,它是以曲柄滑块机构作为运动机构,依靠传动系统将电动机的运动和能量传给工作机构,通过滑块给工件施加力从而达到锻压工件的目的。 本篇论文首先介绍了曲柄压力机的应用、分类以及国内外现状和发展趋势。第二章通过对比分析法确定了传动系统的总体方案。根据总体设计方案,第三章对传动系统各零部件进行了设计计算与校核。第四章利用 SolidWorks 软件绘制出传动系统主要零件的三维图。文章最后对此次设计进行了归纳总结并对以后的优化改进提出了展望。 60200
毕业论文关键词 曲柄压力机 发展趋势 传动系统 强度校核 Title The Transmission Design of JH21-80 Fixed Bench Presses
Abstract Forging machinery occupies a very important position in industrial production. It widely used in machinery, electronics, defense and almost all industrial sectors. However, the crank presses are the majority in forging machinery majority, accounting for more than half of the total market share. Crank press is one of the most commonly used cold stamping equipment. It uses a slider-crank mechanism as a movement mechanism, and relies on the drive system to send the movement and energy of the motor to the working bodies. Applying a force to the work piece through the slider so as to achieve the purpose of forging the work piece. The application, classification, domestic situation and development trend of abroad are introduced at the first of this paper. the overall scheme of the transmission system is determined by comparative analysis in the second chapter. According to the overall design scheme, the design calculations and checking of various components of the transmission system are given in the third part. Chapter IV, the three-dimensional maps of the main parts of transmission are draw out. Finally, the design is summarized and the paper presents the improved future prospects.
Keywords crank press development trend transmission strength check
1 引言 .. 1
1.1 曲柄压力机 1
1.2 曲柄压力机的分类 ... 1
1.3 开式曲柄压力机的分类 2
1.4 国内外现状及发展趋势 2
1.5 研究意义 .... 7
1.6 课题研究内容 . 7
1.7 论文组织结构 . 7
2 固定台压机传动系统总体方案设计 . 9
2.1 传动系统的布置方式 .... 9
2.2 传动级数和各级数比分配 .... 11
2.3 离合器和制动器安装位置的确定 .. 11
2.4 固定台压力机传动系统总体方案设计 .... 12
2.5 小结 12
3 传动系统设计计算 .. 13
3.1 电动机的选择 .... 13
3.2 飞轮转动惯量及尺寸计算 .... 16
3.3 V带轮的设计计算 .. 19
3.4 齿轮传动设计 .... 22
3.5 传动轴的设计计算 . 26
3.6 平键强度校核 .... 31
3.7 滚动轴承校核 .... 32
3.8 离合器与制动器 34 SolidWorksJH21-80固定台压力机传动系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_65736.html