Design of domestic wine making device
Abstract:For the family, making wine is always a complex and cumbersome process and the process of learning is too high, so the engineering plant has been the most mature wine-making process. With the gradual pursuit of quality of life and the food industry's problems, some families intend to cook by themselves. For those who like wine, making wine in home is already part of their own lives. In summary, the domestic wine market has become increasingly large, home brewer design and manufacturing has become a new industry. But now the species is still less,which can be further optimized and designed.
This paper introduced the process of wine at first. According to the process of wine, we know the requirements of the brewing process. In this paper, the design of the thermostat system and the application of double helical ribbon impeller that satisfy the need of conserving constant temperature and the fully mixing process. Constant temperature system can guarantee the success rate of fermentation, double helical ribbon impeller can make the mixing more fully. At the same time, in order to verify the adequacy of the agitation, the flow field analysis was also carried out.
In addition to meet the most basic brewing process, this paper also designed a filter and alcohol concentration alarm. The use of the filter press and the alcohol alarm make the brewer more convenient, to reach the desired concentration of alcohol can alarm and remind the user, the filter press in the wine when the filter can be fully filtered.
key words:the flow field analysis,conserving constant temperature,helical ribbon impeller
1 引言 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外酿酒器发展情况 1
1.2.1 橡木桶酿酒 2
1.2.2 家用螺旋盘管酿酒设备 2
1.2.3 小型圆筒式酿酒器 3
2 总体设计方案 5
2.1酿酒器的设计要求 5
2.2设备整体设计方案 6
3 家用酿酒器结构设计 7
3.1酿酒器内胆的设计 7
3.1.1内胆的材料与外形设计 7
3.1.2内胆的厚度计算 家用酿酒器设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79965.html