关键词 无翼 无伞 单刚体 稳态扫描
Title No-wing No-parachute Stable Scanning Platform Structure Optimization Design And Simulation
The terminal-sensitive ammunition without parachute or wing is a kind of new concept terminal-sensitive ammunition that is to reduce the retention time in the air and the impact of wind, and enhance its overall combat effectiveness by the terminal-sensitive ammunition with parachute.
The main task is to build a math model of the terminal-sensitive ammunition without parachute or wing, theoretically precise describe and account the formation mechanism of the stable scanning motion of the terminal-sensitive ammunition without parachute or wing. The math models of the flying freely stage is established after study, and analyses the external force and force moment of the system of the terminal-sensitive ammunition, namely the establishment of stage 6 degress freedom movement different equations of the single rigid body. Subsequently, a computer program is produced, and giving a brief account and analysis. The calculating result shows that the falling speed and the rotation speed of the terminal-sensitive ammunition system designed on computer have increased than the terminal-sensitive ammunition with parachute or wing, and shows that it can realize stable scanning motion well too. For domestic
terminal-sensitive ammunition without parachute or wing system related research plays a guiding and reference.
Keywords No-wing, No-parachute, Single Rigid Body, Stable Scanning
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 末敏弹简介 1
1.2 稳态扫描技术发展情况概述 3
1.3 课题研究背景及意义 5
1.4 本文所做的研究工作 6
2 上升飞行阶段运动过程分析 7
2.1 引言 7
2.2 坐标系的建立和坐标变换 7
2.2.1 坐标系的建立 7
2.2.2 坐标变换 9
2.3 末敏子弹运动微分方程的建立 12
2.3.1 作用在子弹上的力 12
2.3.2 作用在子弹上的力矩 14
2.4 末敏子弹运动微分方程的建立 15
2.4.1 末敏子弹质心运动微分方程组 15
2.4.2 末敏子弹绕心运动微分方程组 17
2.4.3 末敏子弹运动微分方程组 20
2.5 本章小结 20
3 模型简化及算例仿真分析 21
3.1 简化模型弹体的运动微分方程组 21
3.1.1 质心运动微分方程 21
3.1.2 绕心运动微分方程组 22
3.2 末敏弹扫描特性与运动特性 23
3.2.1 末敏弹扫描角 23
3.2.2 末敏弹的扫描频率 23 无翼无伞稳态扫描平台结构优化设计与仿真:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_9821.html