An enterprise's capital structure matters to its operation and development, perfect or not is not only the capital structure of enterprise management attaches great importance to the company's internal problems, the vast investors also pay highly attention to it. In recent years, China's real estate industry internal issue of capital structure emerge in endlessly, the following a few examples: 1. Raise financing channel is not enough persity; 2. The debt financing structure is imperfect; 3. The asset-liability ratio is higher. After discussion, I draw the following conclusion can explain the problem, why the real estate industry in our country there will be a problem of the unreasonable capital structure: 1. The tax and financial leverage effect has been affecting the debt financing; 2. The Chinese government for the consolidation and development of our financial system has not implemented; 3. The capital market is still unbalanced development phase. This paper discussion is focused on: how to make the company's capital structure of real estate in our country to realize comprehensive optimization? In this paper, the China vanke co., LTD. As a concrete object to study, first to understand and analyze our country real estate enterprise capital structure of today's situation and the cause of the unreasonable situation, and then puts forward some countermeasures for China's real estate companies capital structure optimization.
Key words: Real estate company; Capital structure; Vanke group,
目 录
摘 要Ⅰ
一、公司简介 1
㈠ 融资结构不完善2
㈡ 资产负债率高5
㈢ 债务中以短期负债为主7
㈣ 债务中债券融资比例小7
㈠ 开拓多样化的融资渠道8
㈡ 创新融资方式,适当调整融资结构8
㈢ 建立良好充分的资金储备8
㈣ 控制房地产企业的扩张的规模和速度9
㈤ 建立良好的风险测试和控制体系9
㈥ 对企业发展策略作适当调整10
㈦ 优化公司的股权结构11 参考文献 12
万科集团企业股份有限公司,是由王石创立于1984年的5月份,它是现在国内开发占地面积最广的专业性强的住房开发集团,也是股票市场里面最具代表性的地产蓝筹股。万科企业股份有限公司在1988年年初就开始步入房地产住房开发行业,在1993年就把,普遍化,大众化的住房开发作为该企业集团的一项核心工程。到2007年的年底为止,万科企业股份公司在我国房地长行业中的市场覆盖率是2.18%,珠江三角州经济圈、长江三角州经济圈、环渤海经济圈国家规划的三大城市经济圈成为了万科集团最主要的业务拓展圈。由于定位精准,当年就售出大约4.85万套住房,住房销售量在专业性住宅行业中排列在世界的前茅,成为了当今全世界最大的专业性住房企业集团之一。通过数年的奋斗,万科集团慢慢地占领了房地产行业领先地位,使之更具竞争优势:“万科”,成为了房地产行业中第一个全国驰名商标。深圳市万科集团总部2011年的年度营业总收入就达到717.19亿人民币,净利润达到了97.8亿人民币,营业总收入比上一年增长41.45%,净利润比上一年增长32.41%。万科集团股份有限公司通过十几二十年稳健迅速的发展壮大,现今己经跻身成为中国专业性,大众化房地产开发行业的佼佼者。无论是公司策略、治理架构、管理层经验、产品质量,还是企业集团文化、品牌影响力在我们国家的房地产行业中都具有较高的水平,优势较为突出。作为中国房地产行业的领军企业——万科集团,对其资本结构的全面研究,深入分析有利于大家了解整个房地产行业的现状及前景。因此,本文通过对万科集团资本结构现状的分析,发现对企业资本结构有不良影响的因素,进而提出改良的建议。 我国房地产公司万科资本结构的研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_46843.html