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时间:2021-06-02 09:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In recent years, the stable development of market economy in our country, and so did the constantly expanding, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises of small and medium-sized enterprises has become the important part of our country's economy. However, in the realistic society, the occurrence of financial crisis is inevitable. For small and medium-sized enterprise financial risk management, therefore, to protect the interests of the investors, creditors, the output value to government regulation of small and medium-sized enterprise production is of great significance. Here, in this paper, combined with yangzhou three smile group's financial situation, the specific preventive measures are proposed according to the formation of financial risk, small and medium-sized enterprise financial risk can be reduced to a certain extent, the realization of the expected financial goals of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Keywords:Small and medium sized enterprises, Financial risk , Management research 

目 录

1  引言 3

2  中小企业财务风险概述 3

2.1  中小企业含义 3

2.2  财务风险含义 3

2.3  中小企业主要的财务风险 4

3  中小企业财务风险的形成原因 4

3.1  投资决策失误 4

3.2  财务人员缺乏风险意识 5

3.3  国家政策变化影响 5

4  扬州三笑集团存在的主要财务风险表现 5

4.1  筹资风险的表现 5

4.2  投资风险的表现 6

4.3  经营风险的表现 6

5  扬州三笑集团财务风险管理对策 7

5.1  优化资本结构 7

5.2  建立健全财务风险控制体系 7

5.3  加大企业财务及经营人员培训 8

5.4  慎重选择投资方式 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1  引言

改革开放以来,我国中小企业如雨后春笋般地蓬勃发展起来,形成一股中小企业发展高潮。无论是京津唐、江浙沪、珠三角一带,还是中西部一带,这些地区的民营中小企业众多,对这些地区的经济发展起到了举足轻重的作用。然而,中小企业存在本身发展规模较小、资金实力较弱的缺点,使得中小企业避免不了地存在财务管理方面与自身发展和市场经济不相适应的情况。许多地区的民营中小企业甚至出现了濒临破产的现状。论文网 中小企业扬州三笑集团财务风险管理研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_76357.html
