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时间:2021-02-24 22:01来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 步森股份;财务造假;治理对策

Research on the Fraud of Financial Statements --Take Busen shares as an example

Abstract: Financial fraud has always been a key issue in the field of accounting research. It is also a major problem that governments around the world have to solve. Enterprises have made bad influence on China's economy in order to pursue value maximization and corporate development, and have also seriously affected the national economy The sound operation and the national tax work carried out, while undermining the interests of investors and the broad masses of the people. This paper mainly analyzes the financial fraud from the listed companies in China by selecting a recent case of financial fraud in listed companies, and analyzes the impact of financial fraud and the impact of financial fraud, focusing on the impact of financial fraud. This paper will elaborate the relevant theory, and then through the analysis of the case, Zhejiang Bu Sen Co., Ltd. financial fraud case from the perspective of financial statements to explain the fraud and the use of fraud means, standing on the perspective of multiple analysis, from the market, The internal management of the company and the three aspects of the regulatory measures to provide financial fraud, so as to elaborate the impact of financial fraud, the proposed financial statements of listed companies to counterfeit behavior recommendations.

Key Words: Busen shares ; financial fraud;governance measures

绪论 1

一、财务造假研究背景及现状 2

(一)财务造假研究背景及意义 2

(二)财务造假研究现状 2

(三)问题的提出、研究框架及创新之处 3

二、财务造假相关概念 4

三、“步森股份”案例分析 5

(一)“步森股份”简介 5

(二)“步森股份”财务造假动机 5

1、从财务状况分析动机 5

2、从盈利能力分析动机 6

(三)“步森股份”财务造假手段 7

1、虚增资产致货币资金异常 8

2、虚增营业收入致盈利能力异常 9

(四)“步森股份”财务造假的影响 10

1、对公司主营业务和股东的影响 10

2、对A股市场农业股的影响 步森股份对财务报表造假问题的研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_70004.html
