毕业论文关键词 绩效评价 数据包络分析 C2R模型 医药上市公司
毕业论文外 文 摘 要
Title Chinese pharmaceutical industry listed company performance evaluation based on DEA
In this paper, our pharmaceutical companies, for example, using data envelopment analysis, constructed in line with the characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry performance evaluation system. This paper selected 30 pharmaceutical companies financial data for 2008-2012 as the sample, using data envelopment analysis in the pharmaceutical industry organizations performance evaluation were studied. Through the model calculations comprehensive efficiency analysis, analysis of technical efficiency, scale efficiency analysis, discovery and target improvements slack variable analysis , to improve the overall efficiency level of the pharmaceutical industry put forward relevant proposals to further promote the development of China's pharmaceutical industry .
Keywords The performance evaluation Data envelopment analysis (dea) C2R model Pharmaceutical listed companies
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究思路及方法 1
2 绩效评价理论与研究综述 3
2.1 绩效与企业绩效评价 3
2.2 国内外绩效评价研究综述 4
3 DEA方法的基本理论 11
3.1 DEA模型的产生和发展 11
3.2 DEA模型的基本思想 12
3.3 DEA模型的基本核心概念 13
3.4 DEA方法进行实证分析的步骤 15
4 基于DEA的公司绩效评价模型构建 16
4.1 确定决策单元和指标 16
4.2 DEA模型的选择 17
4.3 评价过程设计 18
5 医药上市公司DEA经营绩效评价实证 19
5.1 研究设计 19
5.2 收集与处理数据 21
5.3 数据处理结果的相关分析 22
5.4 实证结论 38
6 对策与建议 40
结 论 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
附录A 46
附录B 48
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义 基于DEA的中国医药行业上市公司绩效评价:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_70887.html