关键词 财务弹性 非效率投资 过度投资 投资不足
毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
Title The effect of financial flexibility to enterprise’s Inefficient investment
As a core content of enterprise’s financial activities, enterprise’s investment relate to the survival and development of the enterprise directly, but a prominent problem which must be solved properly now is that enterprise’s inefficient investments are common. Financial flexibility is significant as the sign of the enterprise’s ability to reflect the change of environment and grasp favorable investment opportunities. Financial flexibility may lead to enterprise’s inefficient investment. This paper explored the effect of financial flexibility to enterprise’s inefficient investment by theoretical analysis and empirical test.
Firstly, this paper defined the concepts of enterprise’s financial flexibility and inefficient investment, and then the paper verified the effect of financial flexibility to enterprise’s inefficient investment by some related theories and literatures. This paper also explored the effect of financial flexibility to inefficient investment among enterprises with different properties by some empirical tests. Financial flexibility significantly influences on enterprise’s inefficient investment. Finally, it puts forward some policy suggestions about how to control the enterprise’s financial activities.
Keywords Financial Flexibility Inefficient Investment Over-investment Under-investment
1 引言 1
2 理论基础和文献综述 2
2.1财务弹性的概念 2
2.2非效率投资的概述 2
2.2.1非效率投资的定义 2
2.2.2非效率投资的表现 3
2.2.2非效率投资的原因 3
2.3相关文献综述 4
2.3.1企业财务弹性的相关研究 4
2.2.2企业非效率投资的相关研究 5
2.2.3财务弹性影响非效率投资的相关研究 5
3 财务弹性影响企业非效率投资的机理和研究假设 6
3.1财务弹性影响企业非效率投资的机理 6
3.2财务弹性影响企业非效率投资的研究假设 财务弹性视角下的我国上市公司非效率投资研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_71641.html