摘要:近年来,生物入侵已经成为全球化的一个不容忽视的问题,而这对于生物的多样性、生态系统的稳定性以及服务功能都产生了很大影响。如何有效治理和控制外来物种,保障生物多样性就具有了重要意义。本研究以崇明海滩滩涂上2种海滨植物——本地种芦苇与外来种互花米草作为研究对象,测算二者叶片中氮,磷,钾,糖,淀粉含量,对之间关系作了比较,运用生态化学计量学分析得出结论。结果表明:芦苇和互花米草含量均为C>N>K>P,。除淀粉外,芦苇和互花米草叶片可溶性糖、N,P,K含量差异均显著,且互花米草可溶性糖含量与淀粉之比要高于芦苇,互花米草C:N与C:P均大于芦苇,说明其碳利用率更高。芦苇和互花米草叶片的N:P比均小于14,说明二者生长均受氮限制,同时芦苇N:P比更接近14,易受磷氮同时影响。二者N:P,N:K,P:K均存在显著正相关,N:P比值与P含量呈显著负相关关系, N:P比值的变化主要由P含量变化决定。24206
毕业论文关键词:芦苇;互花米草 ;生物入侵 ;生态化学计量;崇明东滩湿地
Comparative study of Spartina and Phragmites leaf carbon and nitrogen content
Abstract: In recent years, biological invasion has become a problem to that can not be ignored, and it had a great effect on the stability of the persity,and ecosystem service function of biological. How to effective management and control of alien species, to the biological persity protection has important significance. In this study, the Chongming Beach Beach 2 coastal plants -- the local reed and Exotic Species Spartina alterniflora as the research object, leaf nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, measuring two sugar, starch content, the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were compared between the relationship, using ecological stoichiometric analysis concluded. The results show that: Phragmites and Spartina content was C>N>K>P, the Phragmites and Spartina N, K, P significantly, and it is greater than the reed. The content of soluble sugar and starch in Spartina alterniflora is higher than that of reed, Spartina C:N and C:P were greater than the reed, the carbon utilization rate higher. Reed and N:P <14, the N affected more, soil N content is limiting growth factors. Two N:P, N:K, P:K were significantly positive correlated, the ratio of N:P had negative correlation with the content of P, the change of N:P ratio is mainly determined by the variation of P content.
Key Words:Phragmites;Spartina;biological invasions;Ecological Stoichiometry,;Chongming Beach
1绪论 2
1.1东滩地区概况 2
1.2生态化学计量学研究概况 3
1.2.1 氮磷元素与化学计量学 4
1.2.2 生态化学计量学与碳循环 4
. 1.2芦苇与互花米草 5
1.2.1 芦苇概况5
1.2.1 互花米草概况6
1.3研究内容及意义 7
1.3.1 研究内容 7
1.3.2 研究意义 8
2材料与方法 8
2.2.1 实验测定指标8
2.2.2 测定方法步骤8 全氮的测定9 磷的测定9 全钾的测定9 可溶性糖的测定9 淀粉的测定10
3数据分析 10
3.1 碳含量比较10
3.1.1 还原性糖含量比较10
3.1.2 淀粉含量比较11
3.1.3 总糖含量比较12
3.2 氮含量比较13
3.3 其他元素含量比较14
3.3.1 磷含量比较14
3.3.2 钾含量比较15
4 结论与展望15
4.1 研究结论16
4.2 研究展望17
崇明东滩自然保护区位于长江入海口,在中国第三大岛崇明岛的最东端,是以迁徙鸟类及其栖息地为主要保护对象的湿地类型自然保护区保护区区域面积占上海市湿地总面积的7.8%,约241.55平方公里。保护区属北亚热带海洋性气候,气候湿润,降雨量充沛,年际降水量的变化较大。夏季是洪季和最大输沙季节; 冬季降水量较小,且年际变化较大。 芦苇与互花米草碳氮物质含量比较研究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_17604.html