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时间:2018-09-11 09:07来源:毕业论文

摘要:花色是衡量观赏植物价值的重要指标。碧桃花色多样,其中间色是其特殊表型。LDOX催化无色花青素转化为有色花青素,对花青素合成至关重要。为探究LDOX酶对碧桃间色形成的影响,本文以 ‘洒红桃’红色(RF)和间色(VF)花为材料,利用特征显色反应、紫外-可见光法和pH示差法确定花瓣中表现红色的主要原因是花青素;红色花瓣中花青素含量(0.122 mg/g)显著高于间色花瓣(0.066 mg/g);利用紫外分光光度计和qRT-PCR分别测定不同时期LDOX酶活性和LDOX基因表达情况,在FS2和FS3时期RF中LDOX酶活性显著升高,且RF显著高于VF;而这两个时期RF中LDOX基因表达同样显著高于VF,LDOX基因表达趋势与LDOX酶活性变化趋势相近。本实验为碧桃间色机制研究以及从分子层面改良花色等研究提供理论基础。28135
The Effects of LDOX on the Flower Colour Variegation Formation in Peach
Abstract:Color is an important indicator of the value of ornamental plants. Peach color and perse, the middle color is its special phenotype. LDOX catalyzes the conversion of colorless anthocyanins into colored anthocyanins, which is essential for anthocyanin synthesis. In order to explore the effect of LDOX enzyme on the formation of peach color, this paper used the characteristic color reaction, ultraviolet-visible and pH difference method to determine the performance of petals in 'red and white (VF) (0.122 mg / g) in the red petals was significantly higher than that of the colored petals (0.066 mg / g). The LDOX enzyme was determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometer and qRT-PCR, respectively. Activity and LDOX gene expression in FS2 and FS3 were significantly higher than those in VF in FS2 and FS3. The expression of LDOX gene in RF was also significantly higher than that in VF and LDOX Changes in enzyme activity were similar. This study provides a theoretical basis for the study of the mechanism of the peach and the improvement of color from the molecular level.
Key words: Peach;color;LDOX;Enzyme activity;gene expression
目  录

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract.    1
Key words    1
引言    1
1  材料与方法    2
1.1  材料    2
1.1.1  材料    2
1.1.2  试剂和仪器    3
1.2  方法    3
1.2.1  碧桃花瓣色素组分测定    3
1.2.2  碧桃中LDOX酶活性测定    4
1.2.3  碧桃不同发育阶段LDOX基因表达差异测定    4
2  结果与分析    4
2.1  碧桃花瓣色素组分测定    4
2.1.1  碧桃花花色素定性分析    4
2.1.2  碧桃花青素含量测定    5
2.2  碧桃中LDOX酶活性测定    5
2.3  碧桃不同发育阶段LDOX基因表达差异测定    6
3  结论与讨论    6
3.1  结论    6
3.2  讨论    6
致谢    7
参考文献    8
桃(拉丁名:Amygdalus persica Linn.)是蔷薇科李属植物,原产于我国,在我国已有三千多年的种植历史。果可食用,花可观赏。桃有多个品种,其中“碧桃”是一个重要观赏品种。集观叶、赏花、看果于一身,在不同季节都能表现出独特的观赏性状,观赏期长,具有很高的观赏价值。碧桃为重瓣花,变形很多,有多种花色,为普通桃中的变种。国内外有许多观赏桃品种,花色多样,其中也有不少间色品种。 LDOX酶对碧桃间色形成的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_22876.html