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时间:2018-06-13 14:43来源:毕业论文

The comparison of LED light and fluorescent light in Tomato tissue culture
Abstract:LED lamps with energy-saving, spectral adjustable, long life and other advantages are widely used in various fields. In recent years, LED lamps are also starting to use as the light source for plant tissue culture. In this paper, tomato leaf and stem explants were used as experiment material. The comparison of LED lamp and fluorescent lamp was performed to demonstrate the effect of LED light on tomato tissue culture. The experimental results showed that the LED light can promote the growth of tomato callus and bud differentiation. Under the irradiation of LED light, the rate of bud differentiation was almost twice as that of the fluorescent lamp irradiation group. In addition, in the LED light group, all tomato explants can induce callus within 28 days, but under the fluorescent lights it need nearly 40 days. Different ratio of RB in LED illumination has a great effect on tomato callus induction, but that on tomato bud differentiation was not observed. In addition, the experiment here also indicated that the LED light is not only beneficial to the growth of tomato callus but also to the bud differentiation when R: B = 60:30.
Keywords:Tomato;  Tissue culture;  LED lamp;  Fluorescent lamp.
1.绪论    1
1.1 植物背景介绍    1
1.1.1 番茄的物种简介    1
1.1.2 番茄的形态特征    1
1.1.3 番茄的生长习性    2
1.1.4 番茄的组织培养研究现状    3
1.1.5  白果强丰介绍(实验材料)    3
1.2 光照介绍    4
1.2.1 荧光灯介绍    4
1.2.2  LED灯介绍    5
1.2.3  LED在植物组织培养方面的应用    5
1.3 课题研究内容与意义    6
1.3.1 课题研究内容    6
1.3.2 课题研究意义    6
2 实验材料与方法    7
2.1 实验材料    7
2.1.1 实验器材    7
2.1.2 实验药品及番茄品种    7
2.2试验方法    7
2.2.1光照组设置    7
2.2.2 培养基的制作    7
2.3实验步骤    8
2.3.1 种子消毒及发芽    8
2.3.2接种    8
3 结果与分析    9
3.1  LED光照组与荧光灯光照组番茄组织培养情况    9
3.2 不同RB配比的LED光照对番茄组织培养的影响    12
4.讨论    18
致谢    18
参考文献    19
1.1 植物背景介绍
1.1.1 番茄的物种简介
番茄最初在秘鲁发现,大约16世纪初传入欧洲。开始人们认为番茄有毒,所以只把它作为观赏性植物栽培,直到18世纪初才开始作为蔬菜被人们接受。17~18世纪由欧洲传入亚洲。番茄约在20世纪50年代才作为蔬菜和水果开始在中国大量种植。 番茄组织培养过程中LED光照与荧光灯光照的比较:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_17643.html