[摘 要]:本文采用随机取样法对徐州市金山公园绿地进行群落学调查,并选取物种丰富度指数(R)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H´)和均匀度指数(J)等指标,对该公园绿地植物群落灌草层的物种多样性进行了分析。结构表明:灌木层物种以人工栽植的为主,其重要值高、出现频度低;草本层物种以自然生长的为主,其重要值小、出现频度高。各群落的物种物种多样性均呈现出:灌木层<草本层的特点,群落整体的物种多样性1号样地、3号样地、6号样地、15号样地的物种的丰富度高,物种分布均匀程度高,多样性高,2号样地的物种丰富度低,物种分布均匀程度低,多样性低。而环境因子如海拔高度、坡度、坡向、层次对物种多样性也一定的影响。本文建议对金山公园或徐州市其他公园进行人工栽植的时候应尽量增加群落结构的层次。对海拔高的层次少的群落应减少人流量,促进绿地内的物种自然恢复。40314
Diversity of species Xuzhou Jinshan Park Green shrub and grass layer
Abstract:In this paper, the random sampling method is used in the layered survey . It shows that the shrub layer species expectations are higher with low frequency and mostly are artificial planting, the herb layer species expectations are smaller with high frequency and mostly are natural growth such as white clover, veronica, geranium and oxalis through analyzing and computing the important value, species richness index (R), Shannon-Wiener index (H) and evenness index (J). The different levels of species are persity and shrub layer < herbaceous layer. The species richness of No. 1 plot, No. 3 plot, No. 6plot, No. 15 plot are high in the community species persity and they are in a high degree of species distribution with high persity. While the species richness of No. 2 are low and in a low degree of species distribution. Environmental factors such as altitude, slope, slope direction, level have some influence on species persity, too. Recommendations are suggested in this paper that try to increase the level of community structure while planting artificially in Jinshan Park or other parks of Xuzhou and reduce the people flow of high altitude level and small community to promote the natural recovery of the greenbelt’s species.
Key words:Xuzhou City; Jinshan Park Green; community types; species persity
目 录
1研究区域概况 1
2研究方法 2
2.1调查方法 2
2.2数据计算 3
2.2.1重要值的计算 3
2.2.2物种多样性计算 3
2.2.3坡向的量化 4
3结果分析 4
3.1重要值 4
3.2物种多样性 7
3.2.1各层次的物种多样性 7
3.2.2各群落的物种多样性 9
4环境因子对物种多样性的影响 9
4.1海拔高度对物种多样性的影响 9
4.2坡度对物种多样性的影响 9
4.3层次对物种多样性的影响 10
4.4坡向对物种多样性的影响 10
5结论 10
群落物种的多样性和均匀度越高,其结构也会越复杂,群落内物种的丰富度越高,分布程度高,物种均匀程度高,群落的各项功能也越能得到充分发挥。物种的多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,而生物多样性在区域生态系统中具有重要意义[1]。魏长顺、史田田、徐志强[2-4]等以人工配置的植物群落的公园绿地为研究对象,对公园绿地中的植物物种的种类及其所属科种进行统计,并研究分析了乔木层、灌木层和草本层的植物多样性。但在群落研究中缺少对环境因子的分析。城市中的公园绿地在人工栽植的时候也以群落的类型进行配置,而公园绿地在城市绿地中占据很重要的角色,对城市不仅具有美化和为人为提供娱乐休憩[5]的作用,对空气中的颗粒物、二氧化硫和一氧化碳等污染物6]都有一定的净化作用。诸学者对徐州市公园绿地的研究主要有徐州市绿化树种的主要应用[7]和景观结构的多样性的研究分析[8]这些方面。而没有学者对徐州市公园绿地群落的物种多样性进行相关研究,本文以徐州市金山公园绿地植物群落类型作为研究对象,对金山公园的群落样地的群落类型、物种多样性和对群落有影响的环境因子进行分析研究,得出灌草层物种多样性的规律,为金山公园绿地今后的优化提出科学合理的建议。 徐州市金山公园绿地灌草层物种多样性:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_38592.html