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时间:2019-04-13 14:24来源:毕业论文

Effect of nerol on cell membrane and mitochondrial function of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger
Abstract: Nerol is a kind of plant essential oil, according to the current research at home and abroad, antimicrobial activity of plant essential oils, The purpose of this study is to explore the antibacterial mechanism of nerol, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus as the research object, to further explore the nerol of A. niger and A. flavus mitochondrial function. This experiment explore the impact of nerol in different concentrations by A. niger and A. flavus in cell membrane, verifying the synthesis of sterol neryl inhibition in cell membranes. In addition, also verifying the effects on different concentrations of Nerol in A. niger and A. flavus, damaging to the cell membrane, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and The reactive oxygen species (ROS). The experimental results show that: nerol has inhibitory effect on fungal growth and the inhibitory effect was positively correlated with the concentration. When the cells were exposured to Nerol, this will result an elevation of MMP in a dose-dependent. Those caused ROS accumulation in the mitochondria, which impaired the mitochondrial function, decreased the cell viability and caused cell death, so as to achievethe the purpose of bacteriostasis.  
Key words: Nerol; Cell Membrane; The mitochondria; A. niger ; A. flavus; Antifungal activity
引言    1
1 材料与方法    3
1.1供试材料    3
1.1.1 原料    3
1.1.2 主要仪器设备    3
1.1.3 培养基配置    3
1.1.4 主要溶液试剂的配制    3
1.1.5 实验试剂    4
1.2实验方法    4
1.2.1 黑曲霉的接种活化    4
1.2.2 黄曲霉的接种活化    4
1.2.3 黄曲霉与黑曲霉孢子悬浮液的制备    5
1.2.4 甾醇含量的分析测定    5
1.2.5 细胞膜损伤的测定    5
1.2.6 线粒体膜电位的测定    6
1.2.7 ROS的测定    6
2 结果与分析    8
2.1 黑曲霉甾醇含量分析    8
2.2 黄曲霉甾醇含量分析    9
2.3 橙花醇对黑曲霉细胞膜损伤的分析    10
2.4 橙花醇对黄曲霉细胞膜损伤的分析    12
2.5 线粒体膜电位测定的结果分析    14
2.5.1黑曲霉线粒体膜电位结果    14
2.5.2黄曲霉线粒体膜电位结果    14
2.6.1橙花醇对黑曲霉ROS测定的影响    16
2.6.2橙花醇对黄曲霉ROS测定的影响    17
3 讨论    18
4 致谢    19 橙花醇对黄曲霉和黑曲霉细胞膜与线粒体作用的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_31964.html