摘 要:本文研究了菇渣还田对于黄瓜根围土壤中磷元素以及碱性磷酸酶的影响。在草菇-黄瓜轮作模式中,我们分别在菇渣翻耕前1天,菇渣翻耕后第1天、第1周、第3周、第7周、第11周、第15周7次采集黄瓜根围土壤进行检测。结果表明菇渣对土壤中磷和碱性磷酸酶的影响都比较显著,其中全磷含量在第3周达到最高,相对于对照组增加了17.0%。有效磷含量在第7周达到最高,相对于对照组增加了10.7%。 碱性磷酸酶在第3周达到最高值,相对于对照组增加了108.8%。施用草菇渣可以在短期内快速提高土壤中全磷的含量,从第3周开始提高土壤中有效磷含量,为黄瓜生长提供磷元素,实现菇渣的经济型转化。57891
Abstract: In this study we aimed to detect the impacts of mushroom residue on the content of phosphorus and correlated enzyme of cucumber rhizosphere soil after treated. First soil samples were collected 1 day before treated and 1 day, 1 week, 3 week, 7 week, 11 week and 15 week post treated. Then the content of phosphorus and activity of soil alkaline phosphatase(S-AKP) were detected. Based on the results we can indicated that the mushroom residue has significant impact on the rhizosphere soil. The highest content of phosphorus appeared on the third week after treated which increased 17.0% compared to the control. While the available phosphorus increased by 10.7% on 7 week post treated. Activity of S-AKP increased by 108.8% on the third week after treated which was the highest value among all the samples. Above all, the mushroom residue increased the content of phosphorus as soon as treated while the available phosphorus showed increasing on 3 week post treated. These data will provide theoretical guidance for practical production.
Keywords: cucumber-mushroom rotation, mushroom residue, P, soil alkaline phosphatase(S-AKP)
目 录
1 引言 5
2 材料方法 5
2.1 实验材料 5
2.2 草菇-黄瓜轮作模式 6
2.3 土壤肥力的检测方法 6
2.3.1 有效磷的检测方法. 6
2.3.2 全磷的检测方法 7
2.4 土壤酶活性的检测方法 7
2.5 数据分析 7
3 结果与分析 7
3.1 草菇渣还田对土壤中全磷含量的影响 8
3.2 草菇渣还田对土壤中有效磷含量的影响 9
3.3 草菇渣还田对土壤中碱性磷酸酶的活性的影响 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
1 引言
不过食用菌业的发展,使得秸秆得到了较为充分的利用。食用菌菌丝在秸秆基质中分泌的胞外酶,可以降解纤维素、半纤维素以及木质素,将粗纤维转化为人类能够食用的优质蛋白,它们把大分子物质分解成为小分子物质,再参加其他合成反应。菌丝在降解基质的过程中,菌丝体本身也获得营养和能量,然后在菌丝体内合成蛋白质、脂肪以及其他成分。因此利用秸秆栽培食用菌不但可以实现对秸秆的高效利用,而且可以发展多种循环模式[3]。 草菇-黄瓜轮作模式中菇渣还田对于黄瓜根围土壤磷元素的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_62723.html