关键词: 蔬菜;重金属;吸收;分布规律
Absorption and distribution of copper and tin in celery and spinach
Abstract:The heavy metal copper and tin in spinach and celery absorption rate and the distribution of each tissue were explored. Results show that in terms of absorption rate in celery on the absorption rate of copper element in the line chart root = 0.045 K, K = 0.01 stem, leaf K = 0.095, namely the celery the tissue absorption rate of copper was leaf > root > stem, and root absorption rate of tin line graph K = 72.205, stem = 6.275 K, K = 80.59, namely, its absorption rate of tin element is leaf > stem > root. Spinach absorption rate of copper element in the line chart root = 0.045 K, K = 0.01 stem, leaf K = 0.095, indicate that spinach each tissue absorption rate of copper was root > leaf > stem, the absorption rate of tin element in the line chart root = 5.005 K, K = 11.615 stem, leaf K = 28.02, the absorption rate is leaf > stem > root. And from the point of vegetables in vivo concentration, copper content in root celery body 0.28 μg/kg, 0.07 μg/kg stem, leaf is 0.60 μg/kg, the content of tin element is the root of 136.77 μg/kg, 68.39 μg/kg stem, leaf is 299.35 μg/kg, celery tin and copper in the body element content distribution is leaf > stem > root. Spinach and the content of copper in the body element is the root of 0.20 μg/kg, 0.06 μg/kg stem, leaf is 0.16 μg/kg, the content of tin element is the root of 280.33 μg/kg, 41.29 μg/kg stem, leaf is 77.41 μg/kg, spinach that tin and copper in the body element concentration distribution is leaf > stem > root.
KeyWords:vegetables;heavy metal; absorption; regularities of distribution
1 引言 1
1.1 蔬菜在人类饮食中的概况 1
1.2 蔬菜中的重金属概况 1
1.3 重金属元素对蔬菜的影响 2
1.3.1 对蔬菜生物膜伤害机理 2
1.3.2对代谢的影响 2
1.3.3 对蔬菜光合作用的影响 2
1.3.4 对蔬菜DNA的影响 3
1.3.5 重金属毒害的外观症状及危害 3
1.3.6 植物对重金属的抗性机制 3
1.4 重金属元素对人体的危害 3
1.4.1 汞 4
1.4.2 镉 4
1.4.3 铬 4
1.4.4 铅 5
1.4.5砷 5
1.4.6 铜 6
1.5 蔬菜中的重金属污染源 6
1.5.1 农药、化肥和塑料薄膜的使用 6 铜和锡在菠菜和芹菜中的吸收及分布规律研究:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_4493.html