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时间:2017-05-03 15:57来源:毕业论文

摘要: 本论文采用香辛料精油作为天然的肉类保鲜剂,分别研究了肉桂、百里香和生姜以及它们的复配精油对常温猪肉的抑菌效果。论文中首先分别确定了三种精油分别对荧光假单胞菌的最低抑菌浓度,然后通过正交试验对三种精油进行复配,从而得出其最佳的复配的比例并将其复配浓度应用于常温猪肉的保鲜研究当中。研究结果表明,肉桂、百里香和生姜三种精油的对荧光假单胞菌的最低抑菌浓度分别为0.05%、0.125%和0.1%,三种精油的最佳复配比例为3:1:3,复配精油对荧光假单胞菌的最低抑菌浓度为0.325%。复配精油应用于肉类的保鲜研究时发现,经过复配精油处理的常温猪肉不仅pH值稳定并且变化较小,而且其物质性能与空白肉相比较好,此外通过测定常温肉中的细菌总数,得出复配精油能够有效的延长其货架期3-5天,从而得出肉桂、百里香、生姜的复配精油能够对常温肉发挥良好的抑菌保鲜效果。关键词: 香辛料;精油;复配;抑菌8079
Application of Essential Oils on Preservation of Meat
Abstract: This article adopted natural spice essential oils as preservative,inhibitory effect of cinnamon  thyme and ginger essential oils and their complex were investigated on normal pork. First, three oils’minimum inhibitory concentration of Pseudomonas fluorescens were identified  respectively,followed the Orthogonal trial. Finally ,the optimal ratio of complex was obtained and compound concentration was used in normal pork Preservation. The result of the research showed that minimum inhibitory concentrations of cinnamon ,thyme and ginger essential oils were 0.05%、0.125%和0.1%,respectively. Complex ratio of three oils was 3:1:3, the antibacterial concentration of complex was 0.325% on Pseudomonas fluorescens. The pH of complex oils used in Preservation was not only stable and varied less than control, but also the properties of the substance is better than control. Through comparing the the number of colonies between the pork meat dealt with complex oil and control,shelf life could be extended to 3-5 day than control.therefore complex oils achieved by research had good antimicrobial preservation effect.
Key Words: spices;essential oil;complex;antibacterial
1绪论    1
 1.1 本课题研究目的和意义    1
 1.2 香辛料的国内外研究现状    2
 1.3 精油提取方法的介绍    3
   1.3.1 水蒸气蒸馏法    3
   1.3.2 浸提法    3
   1.3.3 超临界萃取法    4
   1.3.4 分子蒸馏法    4
 1.4 香辛料的用途    4
   1.4.1 香辛料的调作用    4
   1.4.2 香辛料的防腐抗菌作用    5
   1.4.3 香辛料的抗氧化作用    5
2 实验部分    6
 2.1 实验材料    6
   2.1.1 实验材料和试剂    6
   2.1.2 主要仪器和设备    6
 2.2精油抑菌性能的研究    6
   2.2.1 培养基的制备    7
   2.2.2 菌悬液的制备    7
   2.2.3 抑菌性能的测定    8
   2.2.4 最低抑菌浓度的测定    8
 2.3 正交试验的设计    9
   2.3.1 精油的三水平浓度的设定    9
   2.3.2 三种精油三个水平浓度的配制    10
   2.3.3 复配精油正交表的选择    10
 2.4 复配精油的配制    11 植物精油对肉制品的抗菌研究:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_6277.html