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更新时间:2013-6-15:  来源:51代码网



或者引用 Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions xx,用正则表达式处理.

Public Function getEnStr(strData As String) As String    Dim i As Integer    Dim iAsc As Integer    Dim str As String    Dim strMatch As String      If Len(strData) = 0 Then        getEnStr = ""        Exit Function    End If      For i = 1 To Len(strData)         str = Mid(strData, i, 1)         iAsc = asc(str)         If iAsc >= 65 And iAsc <= 90 Or iAsc >= 97 And iAsc <= 122 Then            strMatch = strMatch + str         End If    Next      getEnStr = strMatch End Function  Public Function getEn(strData As String) As String    Dim re As New RegExp     Dim Match, Matches     Dim strMatch As String      If Len(strData) = 0 Then        getEn = ""        Exit Function    End If      re.IgnoreCase = True    re.Global = True    re.Pattern = "[a-z]+"      If re.Test(strData) Then        Set Matches = re.Execute(strData)         For Each Match In Matches             strMatch = strMatch + Match.Value         Next    End If      getEn = strMatch End Function      Dim strData As String    strData = "v#$ #%打 就b々了2#【%#a %343 撒 u?ャъ┛╋┝ΥΦΩ酒 疯##V㈦㈧㈩???㊣?āB┎A"    Debug.Print getEnStr(strData), getEn(strData)

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