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时间:2019-09-25 20:39来源:毕业论文

This article through the free net adjustment of leveling network, compared to the classical adjustment and free network adjustment method used in deformation monitoring results, and the results were analyzed by comparing the results, with the adjustment of free network, the classic indirect adjustment, there must be enough initial data rank is equal to the number of observations is essential, it is a full rank coefficient of a symmetric matrix, the equation has a unique solution. Rank defect free network does not participate in the initial data and the measured parameters or the use of additional conditions on the traditional adjustment point of view, is the inverse matrix from generalized linear algebra perspective but in analysis in deformation measurement, sometimes because of the reasons, it is difficult to find a stable reference point, then the rank defect free network adjustment will have a certain role, rank defect free network adjustment regardless of the choice of what kind of constraints have no influence on the adjustment results, can also calculate the deformation. Two adjustment calculation of unit weight error difference, this paper argues that the quasi steady method is more suitable for deformation monitoring network data processing, the classical adjustment can be seen as a kind of special quasi stable adjustment.
Keywords: Leveling network, deformation monitoring,free adjustment, to be stable adjustment
摘要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪论    1
1.1研究进程    1
1.2选题目的    1
1.3研究问题和解决方案    1
1.3.1 研究的问题    1
1.3.2 研究途径    1
2 秩亏自由网平差    2
2.1  问题的提出    2
2.2  秩亏自由网平差原理    4
2.3  S的具体形式    6
3  平差方法分析及比较    7
3.1  重心基准的秩亏自由网平差    7
3.2  拟稳平差    8
3.3  最小范数准则    9
3.4  秩亏自由网的广义逆解法    10
3.5  分析与比较    13
4 实例分析    14
4.1 例1    14
4.2 例2    17
结论    20
致谢    21
1 绪论
1.1  研究进程
秩亏自由网平差法普遍应用在大地测量和工程测量中,其中,在变形监测中的使用中颇受眷注。这种调整一般是由伪逆N +奇异系数矩阵的求解。目前,对于如何申请?似乎还有不同看法。
一种意见认为,变形观测中应用此法, 主要应发扬其点位误差小且均匀, 分辨变形的灵敏度较高的优点。但是,由于估计的 有偏性,对于如何发扬其优点,以及优良的程度怎么样,还需研究 水准网的秩亏自由网平差比较及应用:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_39843.html