The number and shape are the two of the oldest and the most basic object in mathematics. The inseparable connection between number and shape named symbolic-graphic combination. Symbolic-graphic combination combines abstract number and intuitive shape, analyzing both the algebraic meaning and the geometrical meaning. And symbolic-graphic combination is a fundamental mathematic thought, we always look for problem-solving ideas by “number with the help of shape ” and “shape with the help of number”. Symbolic-graphic combination has important research meaning in mathematics teaching in middle school, and it’s applications in middle school mathematics is extensive. The applications of symbolic-graphic combination in equations and geometry are stated by giving some examples, and the proportion of symbolic-graphic combination in the college entrance examination is also analyzed in this article, furthermore, the limitations of symbolic-graphic combination is raised objectively.
毕业论文关键词: 数形结合; 中学数学; 高考; 局限性
Keyword: symbolic-graphic combination; middle school mathematics; The college entrance examination;Limitations
目 录
1.引言 4
2.数形结合思想的作用及地位 4
3.数形结合思想在中学数学中的应用 5
3.1在解决集合问题中的应用 5
3.2在解决函数问题中的应用 6
3.3在解决方程与不等式的问题中的应用 7
3.4在解决三角函数问题中的应用 8
3.5在解决线性规划问题中的应用 10
3.6在解决几何问题中的应用 12
4. 高考中应用数形结合思想解题现状的研究 13
5. 数形结合的局限性 13
6. 数形结合思想的教学中要注意的一些方面 14
6.1培养学生对图形的感悟能力 14
6.2要重视数学语言的教学 14
7. 结束语 14
参考文献 14
致谢 15
最初可追溯到欧几里得所撰写的《几何原本》,最近则可至近期的数学研究期刊,数形结合一直都伴随着数学的成长。同时数形结合思想作为数学教学中具有举足轻重地位的思想方法,一直吸引着专家们的目光,不断对它进行更深层次的研究与探讨。近些年来,国内外的许多学者的注意从未离开过数形结合思想,一直都有相关著作问世,不过由于数形结合思想应用范围极其广泛,它的研究意义远没有被开发完,因此对于该重要思想的探讨,是相当有必要的。 浅谈数形结合思想在中学数学中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_49279.html