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时间:2020-06-21 21:40来源:毕业论文






There is an important branch of operations research, which is a kind of mathematical method for the management of daily life and work. This paper mainly discusses the application of linear programming in the practical life.

The solution of the linear programming problem is to find a solution to satisfy the constraint conditions, so that the objective function can reach the maximum value, and the application in real life is generally used to obtain the optimal scheme, the maximum efficiency and so on. The solution methods of linear programming include simplex method, modified simplex method, dual simplex method, primal dual method, decomposition algorithm and various polynomial time algorithm.

The simplex method is a basic method for solving linear programming problems. Later in order to improve at each iteration, the simplex method and the accumulated rounding error, improved simplex method is proposed, and the basic steps of the simplex method is roughly the same as in, reduce the accumulated error iteration, improve the calculation accuracy, but also reduce the amount of storage on a computer. In addition to increase the speed of solving problems, also produced dual simplex method, primal dual methods, decomposition algorithm and polynomial time algorithm, here is not described, the text will select part of a general description.

However, in the face of a linear programming problem with only two variables, we can also be solved by the graphical method. This method needs to establish the coordinate system, the constraints are shown in the diagram; the establishment to meet the conditions of the scope of the solution; draw out the objective function of the graphics, and ultimately determine the optimal solution. This method is intuitive and easy to understand, but little practical value.

The problems in real life based on the consideration of the complex factors were simple, selects two instances of the use of linear programming to solve the graphic method and simplex method.


Keyword: Linear;Graphic Method;Simplex Method;Optimum Solution;Feasible Solution;Objective Function;Feasible Region;Base Variable;Change Basis Iteration;Matrix.
