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时间:2020-05-28 20:19来源:毕业论文



Investigation and analysis of students' participation in extracurricular sports activities in Henan Polytechnic University

Abstract: By the method of documentation, questionnaire investigation, interview and mathematical statistics, the research status of Henan Polytechnic University students to participate in extracurricular sports activities and the results show that: 1) the students lack enthusiasm to participate in extracurricular exercise; 2) most of the students have strong extracurricular sports fitness consciousness; 3) the reason of the difference in students exercise is great; 4)lack of school facilities and equipment as well as the deficiency of companions are the main factors affecting college students to participate in extracurricular sports activities. Through research and analysis, puts forward corresponding proposals: 1) the school should enhance the management of the sports community, organize a variety of extracurricular sports activities; 2) the establishment of school sports venues; 3) schools should step up sports teacher to student's extracurricular sports activities targeted guidance. 

Key words: Henan Polytechnic University ; Extracurricular sports activities; Investigation and analys

目    录

摘要 1

前言 2

1 研究对象与方法 2

1.1 研究对象 2

1.2 研究方法 2

2 结果与分析 3

2.1河南理工大学学生对课外体育活动态度的分析 3

2.2河南理工大学学生参加课外体育活动动机的分析 3

2.3河南理工大学学生参加课外体育活动的频率、时间及时间段的分析 4

2.4河南理工大学学生参加课外体育活动场所和组织形式的分析 6

2.5河南理工大学学生参加课外体育活动项目和受指导情况的分析 7

2.6河南理工大学学生参加课外体育活动影响因素的分析 8

3结论与建议 9

3.1 结论 9

3.2 建议 9

附录 12

致谢 14 


校园课外体育活动氛围和学生参与情况的好坏直接反应出该校关于增进学生身心健康、培养团队协作精神、提高运动技术水平、养成终身体育的意识的重视程度。大学生作为社会的进步和发展支柱,其身心健康状况不容忽视,但是,近些年来多数高校大学生身体素质并不是很乐观,因此,我对河南理工大学在校大学生参加课外体育活动的现状进行调查和分析,把握此现象的特点和规律,分析学生在参与课外体育活动中遇到的阻碍,并总结出合理的改善建议,以便重树大学校园课外体育活动参与新风,为健全大学生健康体魄起到积极的作用,为今后该校更好地开展课外体育活动奠定理论基础。 河南大学学生参加课外体育活动现状与分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_53060.html
