Through the analysis of the measured γ spectrum can be seen: the weak peak, before the data is smooth, Gaussian product function method and covariance method can not be used to find if the first peak is smooth and easy to distinguish the effects of overlapping peaks; while derivative method and symmetrical zero-area conversion method, regardless of the quality of statistics peaks, can be used. From a statistical false peaks and high ability to inhibit basal and re-peak resolution capabilities of view, a third-order derivative method and symmetrical zero-area conversion method is better. For a third-order derivative method, to use an appropriate majority stronghold of the first derivative method to find peaks, select the appropriate sensitivity constant to suppress spurious peaks; then less third-order derivative method (or the first derivative method repeat three times) to check whether tainted peaks and doublets. Symmetrical zero-area conversion method empathy. From the suppression capability and accuracy of high peak identification of weak base, the symmetrical zero-area conversion method is best. (Peaks in the computer program automatically find the best symmetrical zero-area conversion method.)
Key words: Gamma-ray spectrum;Spectra analysis;Peak search;Algorithm;
Function fitting
第1章 前言 1
1. 1能谱分析的目的、意义 1
1. 2 NaI(T 1) γ 能谱分析的主要难题 1
1.2. 1 Nal (T1) γ能谱仪仪器性能的影响 1
1. 2. 2能谱仪的本底干扰 3
1. 3能谱解谱的研究现状 3
1. 4能谱分析的研究内容 4
1. 4. 1能谱的定性分析 5
1. 4. 2能谱的定量分析 5
第2章Na I (T 1) γ能谱仪结构及测量原理 6
2. 1 Na I (T 1) γ能谱仪的结构和工作原理 6
2. 2射线与物质的相互作用 7
2. 2. 1光电效应 7
2. 2. 2康普顿效应 8
2. 2. 3电子对效应 8
2. 3 Na I (T 1) γ能谱复杂化的因素 9
2. 4 137Cs单能γ射线谱 10
第三章 Visual C#语言编程的研究 11
3. 1 Visual C#语言简介 11
3. 2初步认识Visual Studio 2010开发环境 12
3. 2. 1 Visual Studio 2010设置 12
3. 2. 2 新建项目 12
3. 2. 3 解决方案和类视图 12
3. 2. 4 文本编辑器 12
3. 2. 5 生成与查错 12
第4章 寻峰及峰区的确定 12
4. 1导数寻峰法 14
4. 2 对称零面积寻峰法 19
结论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
第1章 前言
1. 1 能谱分析的目的、意义
γ能谱测量是一种核地球物理方法,它可以解决地球科学、环境科学等问题。γ能谱仪是核辐射测量中最常用的数据采集并对其分析的仪器,它可识别发射γ射线源的核素种类,获得γ射线的核素含量或活度,以及γ辐射总量,分别是通过对γ射线能量的测量和辐射强度的测量。γ能谱仪在家居及环境的辐射监测中经常被使用,但是,它也被广泛地应用于铀矿勘探,地质填图,油气勘测,寻找各种金属和非金属矿产,食品卫生检验等多个领域,由此可见,γ能谱测量技术和分析技术有着非常广阔而且重要的发展前景。 Gamma能谱寻峰算法的设计+源代码(2):