本文完成了倒车报警系统的整体架构设计和软硬件实现。系统分为:(1)测距模块。该模块通过半导体激光器发出的光线照射在障碍物上,漫反射的部分光线通过光学透镜聚焦在 PSD传感器上,通过传感器输出的电信号计算出汽车和障碍物之间的距离;(2)系统控制模块。该模块是系统的核心控制单元,实现对系统的关键功能的设置,并将测距模块和报警模块串联起来,用HC6800单片机实现;(3)报警模块。该模块根据测距模块反馈的障碍物距离,结合系统控制模块设定的危险级,将障碍物距离信息转换成声音提示,并利用声音的不同频率,提示与障碍物的距离关系。
关键词 PSD传感器 单片机 报警 倒车
Title The reverse alarm system based on photoelectric detection effect
The thesis introduces a kind of reverse alarm system in detail, according to the latest researches in domestic and foreign countries.The system consisted of the Distance-Measurement Module, ControI Module and Alarm Module. The Distance-Measurement Module is achieved by semiconductor laser and PSD detector. The ControI Module adopted the HC6800 single-chip microprocessor. Light emitted by the semiconductor laser is irradiated on the obstacles. Part of the diffuse reflection of light through the optical lens focused on the optical position-sensing detector. Based on the output electrical signal, we can calculate the distance between the car and the obstacles. Then we can convert the distance information to voice prompt and set appropriate limits for voice prompt.On the basis of the correlativity between the frequency of the voice and distance, to judge the distance between the car and obstacles. It solved the puzzle problem because the drivers looked around through the mirrors when they stopped or started the vehicle.So people can reverse safely.
Keyword PSD detector Single-chip microprocessor Alarm Reversing
目 次
1 绪论 1
2 激光测距原理 2
2.1 激光测距原理 3
2.2 PSD传感器 5
3 设计基于光电检测效应的倒车报警系统 8
结论 20
致谢 21
1 绪论
近年来,国内经济一直保持较快速的增长,同时汽车价格的也在持续下降,汽车已经走进了千家万户。随着汽车的普及,我们的生活有了很大的便利,但也有一个问题逐渐凸显出来,倒车安全和便利的问题。随着汽车数量逐渐增多,对道路交通,街道社区,室内外停车场都造成拥堵,出行不便,另外,由于各个人车技水平不同,车与人,车与车,车与墙壁,等等的安全事故经常发生,因倒车引发的纠纷越来越多。现如今,汽车事故的发生比例中,倒车引起的事故高达28%,并有上升趋势,倒车己成为令人们头痛的一项任务,即使是经验丰富的司机也在抱怨倒车是件费力费神的事。交通事故统计数据表明,发生危险情况时,0.5秒的警示时间,可以降低30%的追尾事故,50%的路面相关事故,60%的直接碰撞事故。增加汽车预警系统就显得越来越重要,预警系统不但可以在危险发生时增加驾驶员的预处理时间,并有效的提高了汽车操纵的便捷性,大大降低了停车消耗的时间。 HC6800S单片机光电探测的倒车报警系统设计+源程序:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_22216.html