关键词 太赫兹(THz) 成像 泵浦-探测
Title Imaging properties of terahertz waves
Terahertz (THz) waves (THz radiation can be said, far-infrared waves, sub-millimeter), are microwave and infrared in the electromagnetic wave. Because of the transient nature of the various materials can be time-resolved studies, sub-picosecond pulse width to facilitate analysis of the spectral properties of the material, high spatial and temporal coherence properties of optical constants for the extraction of material, low photon energy is not easy to break and change the substance itself polar and non-polar material show distinct characteristics, so that aspect of the research and its application in many fields of physics, life sciences, medicine, wireless communications, astronomy, radar, etc. gradually deepened. On the other hand terahertz band in 0.1THz - 10THz room, we can not all use the theory of optical, microwave knowledge is not entirely suitable for fully set forth, and THz sensing and imaging terahertz technology is the most important aspect. Therefore, this paper is an in-depth study of terahertz imaging technology and imaging characteristics, and using its absorption of water molecules on polar substances specific to the fruit of terahertz imaging analysis.
Keywords Terahertz (THz) imaging pump - probe
目 次
1.1 引言1
2 太赫兹3
2.1 太赫兹辐射的独特性质3
2.2 太赫兹辐射的应用4
2.3 基于光学效应的太赫兹辐射源 7
2.4 基于电子学的太赫兹辐射源10
2.5 太赫兹技术发展现状 10
3 太赫兹波的探测12
3.5其它探测法 17
4 太赫兹成像18
4.1 太赫兹成像系统18
4.2 太赫兹时域光谱成像 18
4.3 扫描成像19
4.4 太赫兹实时成像19
4.5 太赫兹层析成像20
4.6 太赫兹连续波成像22
结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
1 引言

图1.1 THz波在电磁波谱中的位置
从图中可以看出太赫兹波在长波段与亚毫米波重合,在短波段与远红外波段重合,是电子学与光子学,宏观理论向微观理论的过度区域。对于电磁波与光波的研究我们的研究方式不同。如图 太赫兹波成像特性研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_29822.html