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时间:2020-11-26 22:09来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  地雷  探雷训练  位置检测   FPGA


Title     Training system of mine detection -    Photoelectrical system of position detection                        


Mine is a kind of weapons which is cheap,efficient and easy to manufacture. After buried in the ground for 50 years it is still lethal. The actual destruction to soldiers and civilians is huge. There is practical significance on developing a quickly, safely and effectively device to train soldiers' demining skills. The project "training system of mine detection " aims to develop a device for training of mine detection which is based on electromagnetic induction and has good accuracy and real-time feature.It allows soldiers to be trained safely in mine detection. The design "photoelectrical system of position detection" is a key part of the project. It uses FPGA to be a control core and Verilog language to program. Communicating with the interface circuits, photoelectrical transmitter and receiver circuits ,it achieves the basic functions.

Keywords  mine   training of mine detection   position detection   FPGA

1 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及现状 1

1.2本设计的主要工作 3

2 系统综述 4

2.1系统结构 4

2.2通信接口电路 4

2.3光电发射与接收电路 4

2.4光电位置检测系统 5

3 硬件设计与实现 6

3.1系统设计方案 6

3.2 接口说明 6

3.3 关键模块基于FPGA的实现 7

3.4 数模转换模块 22

4 测试与验证 26

4.1 面包板测试 26

4.2  PCB电路板测试 27

结  论 31

致  谢 32

参考文献 33

 1 绪论


1.1.1 研究背景与意义


地雷,是埋入地表下或布设于地面的爆炸性火器[1]。据统计,全球地下有约1.1亿枚地雷,平均每天就有70人因地雷受伤或死亡,而且地雷埋在地下50年后仍具有杀伤力[2]。由于地雷不分敌我的杀伤特性,极容易造成平民残疾或者死亡。正是由于这个原因,全球各国家都在努力清除地雷。 FPGA模拟探雷训练系统-光电位置检测系统:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_65345.html
