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时间:2021-04-09 21:17来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  红外焦平面阵列;无效像元;红外成像;检测自动化;插值补偿


Title    Using IRFPA For Bad Pixel Identification And    Replacement                               

Abstract IRFPA is the latest infrared detector, not only enhances the spatial resolution and sensitivity of the infrared detector infrared imaging system, and make power consumption, weight and volume of the device also significantly reduced down. However, due to the problem of material production, materials, technology and other aspects (such as material defect, error, uneven), IRFPA can not be avoided blind pixel or non-uniformity. Such problems must use effective measures to greatly reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the output imaging. Effective use of infrared focal plane array double reference radiation source, so we blind pixel response characteristics resolution response data and the adjacent as imaging data element correlation, the use of a dual reference radiation source blind pixel the automatic detection of the field inside there interpolation compensation algorithm, so that the blind can be automatically detected and corrected. The results of this experiment show that: This method has quickly find blind positioning error rate, good compensation effect and easy to implement hardware and software features.

Keywords  blind-pixel; infrared imaging; detection automation; interpolation compensation

目   次

1     引言 05

2     无效像元的定义及其产生机理 12

3    介绍几种不同的无效像元现场检测及补偿算法 15

3.1   数字化无效像元检测方法 15

3.2   滑动窗口的自适应无效像元检测方法 18

3.3    运动模型无效像元补偿算法  19

4    无效像元检测与补偿方法研究及实现 24

 4.1   双参考源无效像元自动检测技术 24

 4.2   利用相邻4点数据插值实现无效像元补偿方法 25

 4.3   基于FPGA的红外焦平面无效像元校正算法实现 26

5     实验结果与分析 31

结论   34

致谢   35


1  引言

到了第二十一世纪,IRFPA器件已经在二十世纪九十年代开始发展了三十年。它的结构一开始是机械扫描的,然后发展到了一种全固态紧凑型的,并且是全电子自动扫描的凝视型摄像器。与红外热成像技术一样,它们都是我国长期的主要军事目的,比如工业监控温度,禁毒执法,安全防范,保健,遥感,设备故障的早期诊断维护,在海上实施救援,天文学的探索,车辆,飞机和舰船视觉增强观察仪器。此外它还用在广泛的民用领域里面。 红外焦平面阵列无效像元检测及补偿方法研究:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_72648.html
