SourceWidth 1280 # Input frame width
SourceHeight 960 # Input frame height
StartFrame 0 # Starting frame
TotalNumberOfFrames 200 # Total number of input frames
LeftCameraName param_champ38 # Name of left camera
CenterCameraName param_champ39 # Name of center camera
RightCameraName param_champ40 # Name of right camera
MinimumValueOfDisparitySearchRange 1 # Minimum value of disparity search range. This value is not always same as all pairs of views.
MaximumValueOfDisparitySearchRange 55 # Maximum value of disparity search range. This value is not always same as all pairs of views.
MinimumValueOfDisparityRange 1 # Minimum value of disparity range. This value is smaller than or equal to minimum value of disparity search ranges for all views.
MaximumValueOfDisparityRange 55 # Maximum value of disparity range. This value is larger than or equal to maximum value of disparity search ranges for all views.
SmoothingCoefficient 4.0 # Smoothing coefficient to compute depth maps
FileLeftViewImage D:\\YUV\\Champagne_tower\\champagne_38.yuv # Name of left input video
FileCenterViewImage D:\\YUV\\Champagne_tower\\champagne_39.yuv # Name of center input video
FileRightViewImage D:\\YUV\\Champagne_tower\\champagne_40.yuv # Name of right input video
FileOutputDepthMapImage depth_champagne_39.yuv # Name of output depth map file 视频深度图像的产生和编码+文献综述(8):