FileCameraParameter ..\\camera_parameter_files\\cam_param_champagne.txt # Name of text file which includes camera parameters
BaselineBasis 1 # 0...minimum baseline, 1...maximum baseline, 2...left baseline, 3...right baseline
Precision 1 # 1...Integer-pel, 2...Half-pel, 4...Quater-pel
SearchLevel 1 # 1...Integer-pel, 2...Half-pel, 4...Quater-pel
Filter 1 # 0...(Bi)-linear, 1...(Bi)-Cubic, 2...MPEG-4 AVC 6-tap
MatchingMethod 0 # 0...Conventional, 1...Disparity-based, 2...Homography-based, 3...Soft-segmentation-based
#========== Temporal Enhancement ==========
TemporalEnhancement 1 # 0...Off, 1...On
Threshold 2.00 # Threshold of MAD
#========== Size of Matching Block (ignored when MatchingMethod = 3) ==========
MatchingBlock 3 # 1...Pixel matching, 3...3x3 block matching
#========== Softsegmentation (for MatchingMethod = 3 only) ==========
SoftDistanceCoeff 10.0 # SoftSegmentation Distance Coefficient
SoftColorCoeff 20.0 # SoftSegmentation Color Coefficient
SoftBlockWidth 11 # SoftSegmentation Block Width
SoftBlockHeight 11 # SoftSegmentation Block Height 视频深度图像的产生和编码+文献综述(9):