    摘要课题组在分析国内外 ADS(次临界加速系统)候选马氏体耐热钢的成分、组织和性能的基础上,自主开发具有耐高温、抗辐照和耐液态金属腐蚀性能的系列SIMP 耐热钢,目前已获得了具有最优成分的 SIMP11 钢。为了研究SIMP11 钢的最佳热处理制度,利用正交实验设计了25 组系列热处理工艺;并分析了各热处理状态的 SIMP11 钢的显微组织、析出相,测试了其常规力学性能;用极差分析法分析了各热处理参数(正火温度、回火温度、回火保温时间、回火冷速)对 SIMP11 钢力学性能的影响,发现回火温度对强度、冲击韧性的影响程度都是最大;通过进一步研究, 定出了 SIMP11钢最佳热处理制度: (1030~1100) ℃正火 30min+ (740~780)℃回火(90~120)min 后(油冷/空冷) 。在此热处理窗口中,SIMP11 钢能保持高的强韧性,同时冲击韧性可达 90-130J,达到了同类马氏体耐热钢水平。21591
    毕业论文关键词 SIMP11 钢 显微组织 力学性能 热处理
    Title The research of the microstructure and heat treatment for SIMP steels
    Based on the analysis of the chemical composition,microstructure and
    properties of Martensitic heat-resistant steels used in ADS(Accelerator
    Driven Sub-critical System),our group developed SIMP steels to be high
    temperature resistant ,anti-radiation and Liquid metal corrosion
    resistant, and the SIMP11 steel of the most suitable chemical composition
    has been designed.To develop the best heat treatment procedure for
    SIMP11,25 groups of heat treatment process were designed in the way of
    Orthogonal Experiment;The microstructure,precipitates and mechanical
    properties of SIMP11 were studied; The effects of all heat treatment
    parameters on the mechanical properties of SIMP11 were investigated in
    Range analysis ,and mechanical properties were mostly effected by temper
    temperature;Further studies were conducted,and to conclude,the best heat
    treatment procedure was (1030- 1100)℃ normalizing 30min + (740 - 780)
    ℃ tempering (90 - 120) min +oil cooling / air-cooling,through which,high
    strength and toughness were achieved, and impact toughness of SIMP11 was
    up to 90-130J,which are equal to other Martensitic heat-resistant steels.
    Keywords SIMP11steel microstructure mechanical properties heat treatment
    1 绪论1
    1.1 核电的发展1
    1.2 ADS候选材料马氏体耐热钢的性能要求.1
    1.3 铁素体/马氏体耐热钢的发展2
    1.4 9-12%Cr马氏体耐热钢的强化机制.5
    1.5 9-12%Cr马氏体耐热钢中各合金元素的作用.6
    1.5.1 合金元素所具有的的共性作用6
    1.5.2 不同元素的特殊作用6 提高抗氧化腐蚀性能的元素(Cr、Si)6 固溶强化元素(W、Mo)6 析出强化元素(C-N、V-Nb)7
    1.6 热处理对马氏体耐热钢的重要性9
    1.7 实验设计:10
    2 SIMP11钢的制备.11
    2.1 SIMP11钢的成分设计.11
    2.2 SIMP11钢的冶炼、锻造、轧制.14
    3 实验过程15
    3.1 SIMP11钢相变点测定.15
    3.2 SIMP11钢相图的模拟.15
    3.3 SIMP11钢热处理.15
    3.4 组织观察.17
    3.4.1 光学金相观察.17
    3.4.2 扫描电镜观察.17
    3.5 力学性能测试.17
    3.5.1 硬度测试.17
    3.5.2 室温拉伸性能测试.17
    3.5.3 高温拉伸性能18
    3.5.4 冲击性能测试18
    4 实验结果和分析19
    4.1 SIMP11相变点.19
    4.2 SIMP11钢相图模拟.20
    4.3 SIMP11钢的显微组织.21
    4.4 SIMP钢的力学性能.28
    4.4.1 初步制定热处理制度.28
    4.4.2 热处理制度的确定34正火温度范围的研究.34回火温度范围的研究.36回火时间的研究.37 回火冷速的研究39
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