    关键词  微球支架  乳化交联  制备参数  骨组织修复
    Title  Preparation and Performance of injectable microspheres  Polysaccharide                                     
    In this article, injectable microspheres were designed and prepared. The chitosan microspheres was prepared by crosslinking emulsion, resulting microspheres small particles, regular shape, smooth surface. Study the effects of various parameters on the preparation for aspect of microspheres morphology, size, size distribution and the like. Adjust the parameters during the microspheres preparation, the particle size, size distribution, dispersion is controlled to meet the expected requirements. Study the change of microspheres after loading Bovine Serum Albumin and test the release properties of the microspheres and degradation. Research shows that BSA delivery system can be built by microspheres. BSA rate of release can be controlled effectively, the concentration of BSA in a long time to maintain a stable range. BSA concentration could be maintained in a stable range for a long time. In the early-release microspheres can remain intact morphology, can form a certain mechanical strength of the stand, but also the gradual degradation of their own in the late. This chitosan microspheres are expected to promote bone cell attachment and appreciation, can be applied in the direction of the bone tissue repair.
    Keywords  Microspheres stand,Emulsifying crosslinked, Parameters of Preparation,Bone tissue repair
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  微球支架    1
    1.2  多聚糖的定义及简介    1
    1.2.1  海藻酸钠    2
    1.2.2  透明质酸    2
    1.2.3  壳聚糖    3
    1.3  CTS微球的制备方法简介    3
    1.3.1  乳化交联法    3
    1.3.2  离子凝胶法    3
    1.3.3  中和沉淀法    4
    1.3.4  喷雾干燥法    4
    1.3.5  复凝聚法    4
    1.3.6  溶剂蒸发法    4
    1.4  CTS的交联反应    5
    1.5  课题提出    5
    2  实验部分    6
    2.1  试剂与仪器    6
    2.2  空白壳聚糖微球与载BSA微球的制备    6
    2.3  壳聚糖微球的形貌    7
    2.4  BSA标准曲线的绘制    7
    2.5  载BSA微球的释放    8
    3  结果与讨论    8
    3.1  乳化交联制备壳聚糖微球    8
    3.1.1  油水比(o/w)的影响    8
    3.1.2  转速的影响    10
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