    毕业论文关键词: 载镍炭气凝胶;比表面积;孔径;脱硫
    The carbon aerogels doped with metal ions produced by the process of sol – gel, supercritical drying, and high-temperature carbonization, which were considered to be a new kind of material in academic area. It is a nano-porous material and very lightweight, besides, it also has many outstanding functions and broad application space in the future.
    This thesis will introduce the carbon aerogels produced by sol – gel method and load the metal by dipping method to carbon aerogel from different fields,  such as, related theories, specific experiment operations, and etc. Besides, the BET and Langmuir methods will be used for measuring the specific surface area, aperture, pore volume, and other microstructures of the material, and the static and dynamic desulfurization methods will be also used, which in order to find out how the performance of petroleum desulphurization will be changed by using the material. The ultimate goal is to find out the best proportion of experimental materials and production conditions.
    KeyWords: Nickel-containing carbon aerogels; Specific surface area; Aperture; Desulfurization
    目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    选题的背景与意义    1
    1.2    研究的内容和目标    1
    2    文献综述    2
    2.1    炭气凝胶    2
    2.1.1    气凝胶    2
    2.1.2    炭气凝胶的性能和应用    2
    2.1.3    炭气凝胶的制备    3
    2.2    炭气凝胶的负载或掺杂    4
    2.2.1    种类    4
    2.2.2    制备方法    5
    2.2.3    发展前景    5
    2.3    脱硫性能    5
    2.3.1    石油中的含硫物质    7
    2.3.2    含硫化合物的危害及其对环境造成的影响    7
    2.3.3    石油脱硫的技术现状    8
    2.3.4    脱硫原理    9
    3    实验内容    10
    3.1    实验仪器及药品    10
    3.2    实验方法    12
    3.2.1    凝胶的制备    12
    3.2.2    凝胶的老化    12
    3.2.3    溶剂置换    13
    3.2.4    超临界干燥    13
    3.2.5    炭气凝胶的制备    13
    3.2.6    炭气凝胶的浸渍    14
    3.2.7    模拟燃油的配制    14
    3.3    实验分析    15
    3.3.1    比表面积分析    15
    3.3.2    孔体积(孔容孔隙)分析    17
    3.3.3    孔径分析    18
    3.3.4    等温线对比分析    20
    3.3.5    XRD谱    21
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