    实验的结论如下:SDC多孔骨架的孔隙率很高,有利于氧离子的传输;30wt%造孔剂用量制备的复合阴极电池的活化能低,具有较好的反应活性而极化电阻只有0.16Ωcm2;浸渍工艺对复合阴极的TEC影响不大, 很好地解决了阴极与电解质TEC差距大而会引起的热应力,从而避免了电池在较高温度工作时出现的热膨胀失配导致电池失效的问题。
    关键词  中温固体氧化物燃料电池(IT-SOFC)  钐掺杂的氧化铈(SDC) 
    多孔骨架  复合阴极    
    Title   Preparation and characterization of porous skeleton   in IT-SOFCs composite cathode                                              
    Solid oxide fuel cells(SOFC) is a electrochemical device turning continuous supply of fuel and oxidant of chemical energy into electricity. Problems such as high-temperature oxidationbattery components、chemical corrosion、chemical diffusion and weakness of components caused by reaction ,are brought up because of high working temperature(>800℃).Therefore,in the future study of solid oxide fuel cells, SOFC at a medium or low temperature is an important problem to solve.
    Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9(SDC)is a good choice of  the electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells at medium temperature.Powder features of raw materials show an obvious influence on the properties of fuel cells electrolyte.In this article, Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9(SDC)ultra-fine powder was synthesized using citric acid and ethylene glycol low temperature burning method,and LSCF - SDC nano composite cathode of the SDC electrolyte matrix was synthesized using the solution impregnation method. Finally, the SDC impregnated skeleton of impedance analysis of composite cathode electrochemical analysis and thermal analysis.
    The conclusions of the experiments are as follows:The porous skeleton of SDC possess a high porosity,which is good for the transmission of oxygen ion;30 wt % of the preparation of pore-forming agent composite cathode battery low activation energy, has a better reactivity and activation resistance only 0.16 Ω cm2;The inlfuence of impregnation technics on the TEC of the composite cathode was not so obvious,which solved the thermal stress caused by big difference of cathode and  electrolyte TEC,and avoided the problem of mismatch caused by thermal expansion leading to the failure of batteries when batteries work at high temperature.
    Keywords   Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC)
               Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9(SDC)   porous skeleton    composite cathode
    目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
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