    摘要: 本文对Al-Ti-B2O3系和Ti-B4C系,运用原位反应法分别成功制备出了钛基复合材料(Al2O3+TiC)/Ti和(TiB2 +TiC)/Ti,并运用SEM、EDS、XRD及DSC等现代手段对反应过程及反应结果进行了全面分析。研究结果表明:随着增强体体积分数增加,反应激烈程度提高;升温速率增加,峰位高度降低,峰位后移。延长球磨时间,粉末粒径减小,粉粒之间的接触面积增加,利于反应进行,并使反应峰的尖锐程度提高,试样收缩倾向增大。提高加热温度,试样收缩加剧。24307
    关键词   钛基复合材料  原位反应法   DSC分析 

    Title   Analysis of Ti-B4C System Titanium Matrix Composite Synthesed by In-situ Method 
    This paper is about Al-Ti-B2O3 and Ti-B4C system titanium matrix composites which were successfully synthesized by the in-situ synthesizing method. Then, I analyzed the reaction process and the reaction resulted by some analyzing technique such as the photo of metallographic, XRD analysis and DSC analysis. The results indicate that the reactions in the two systems can be carried out spontaneously. The final products of Al-Ti-B2O3 system are Al2O3 and TiC enhancement based on titanium while the Ti-B4C system produces Al2O3 and TiC enhancement. We can also conclude that when there are more enhancements in the system, the reaction will act more dramatically. The differences in heating rate and milling time also have some influence on the reaction. When the heating rate is increased, the heat inside cannot be transmitted, so the reaction is insufficient. The height of the DSC peak thus reduces and its position moves backwards. The longer the milling time is, the smaller the diameter of the powder particles will be. So the contact area between the powder particles will increase, the reaction between them is relatively more intense and obvious. The sintering shrinkage of the sample increases when the milling time and the heating temperature increases.
    Keywords   titanium matrix composite    in-situ synthesis
       difference scanning calorimetric analysis
    1.  绪论    1
    1.1 DSC(差热法)    1
    1.2 原位合成技术    3
    1.2.1 前言    3
    1.2.2 表面原位复合    3 原位高能束表面熔覆法    3 原位反应喷射沉积法:RPS(Reactive Plasma Spraying)    3 原位铸造烧结法    4
    1.2.3 整体原位复合    4 原位粉末烧结    4 原位自蔓延反应合成:SHS(self-propagating hight-temperature synthesis)    4 原位等离子体合成:PSM (plasma synthesis method)    5 原位反应铸造法    5
    1.2.4 原位合成的反应机制    5
    1.2.5 原位合成的发展方向    5
    1.3 本课题的研究目的及内容    6
    2.实验    6
    2.1 实验原料    6
    2.2 实验设备    7
    2.3 实验内容    7
    3. XRD、SEM分析反应    10
    3.1 Ti-B4C反应体系    10
    3.2 Al-Ti-B2O3反应体系    12
    4. DSC分析    13
    4.1 增强相体积分数对DSC的影响    14
    4.2 升温速率对DSC的影响    15
    4.3 球磨时间对DSC的影响    17
    4.3.1 Ti-B4C反应体系    17
    4.3.2 Al-Ti-B2O3 反应体系    17
    5. 烧结收缩    19
    结  论    20
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